Newborn baby sleep until 1 month

Returning home from the maternity hospital, each young mother begins to get used to the rhythm of her baby's life. At first it can be done quite difficult, especially if the woman has the first child. Young mommy begins to worry, is not too much, or, conversely, little, is sleeping her child.

In order not to worry about trifles, you need to know what is the norm of the duration of sleep in newborns under the age of 1 month, and in what cases it is necessary to pay attention of a pediatrician to violations of the regime in a nursing infant.

What is the norm of sleep for newborns before the month?

The organism of each small child is individual, so the normal time of sleep and wakefulness of the newborn can only be indicated relative. As a rule, the total duration of wakefulness periods of crumbs is from 4 to 8 hours per day. Accordingly, the baby sleeps on average from 16 to 20 hours.

If you are worried that your child is sleeping too much or not, first of all, notice by the hour and add up all the periods of his sleep throughout the day. In almost all cases, the total duration of this time does not exceed the specified range and is the norm option for this particular baby. If this is not the case, consult a pediatrician who observes the baby, perhaps the child has serious health problems.

As a rule, the newly born baby is still completely unaware of what day and night are. Most of the day, he sleeps, no matter how much time now. Almost all children wake up almost every hour to eat maternal milk or an adapted formula.

For young parents to be less tired in the constant care of the baby, they need from the very beginning of the crumbs to accustom it to a certain regime. Of course, at first it will be extremely difficult to do this, however, in the future this will make life much easier, not only for mom and dad, but for the baby itself.

Try to do everything possible so that the child sleeps between 21 and 9 o'clock. At this time, the biological clock of the newborn baby comes night. Of course, this does not mean that all this period your child should sleep without waking up, but if the crumb has woken up to eat, it must be immediately laid again.

The sleep of a newborn child under 1 month, although it may be intermittent and rather restless, should not disturb the calm of young parents. So, if a young mother does not get enough sleep right from the start, after a while the family will necessarily start squabbling and scandals related to the accumulated fatigue.

To prevent this from happening, try to practice a joint dream with the baby. Almost all newborn children, feeling the closeness of their mother, begin to sleep much stronger and calmer, so that parents feel much better.