8 months child - development, what should be able to?

All kids are individual, so the acquired skills at the same age may differ. However, for an approximate orientation there are general norms with which parents can be checked from time to time. Consider the development of the child in 8 months, what he should be able to do at this age. Once again, we emphasize that these are average indicators. If your child has not yet mastered a couple of points, but successfully develops in another, then, most likely, everything goes on as usual. Do not worry.

Skills and abilities of the child in 8 months

Many kids at this age crawl, get up in bed and, holding on to the side, move sideways. At 8 months, children can turn over from their abdomen on their backs and back, sit down and lie down on their own.

Kids love when parents communicate with them and play. The child at 8 months already understands that he has his own name, and hears when adults turn to him. Children at this time often like playing hide-and-seek. They easily find a toy hidden in front of them, and mother, who closed her hands. This process delivers to the kids a pleasure. Also the child at this age loves and knows how to play the ball, rolling and pushing it, stringing the rings on the pyramid. And how much fun brings lessons with a mirror, because the kid already finds out himself in it.

Many parents are pleased to learn that at 8 months a child can pronounce syllables, investing in them a certain value. For example, "ma-ma-ma" - "mother", "yes-yes" - "give", etc. Although syllables are not necessarily so similar to adult words. For example, he can call the pope - "ta-ta-ta." Watching the baby, you can understand what these or other repeating syllables and sounds mean.

From the skills of self-service, it can be noted that some children at 8 months learn to keep a mug and drink from it, make progress in mastering the pot. Also, children of this age can bite and chew on unstable food, so you need to give them that opportunity.

Classes with children of eight months

The first year of the child's life is the time of active development. It's good, when parents, wanting to help him, often communicate and engage with the baby.

8 months is the age when it is possible to teach the child games such as "Soroka-Soroka" and "Ladushki", the folding of the pyramid and the tower of cubes.

It is important to do massage and gymnastics. Pediatricians advise for such activities morning. After waking up, while changing a child, gently massage his hands, legs, turn over on his tummy and stroke his back. Morning exercises can include the following exercises:

  1. Development of muscles: stroking handles and legs, turning into a smooth flexion - extension.
  2. If the baby does not crawl yet: when the child lies on his back, bend his legs in the knees, put his hand under the heels and with a light movement help him push off and crawl.
  3. For the development of the skill to rise independently: it is necessary for the child to tightly grasp the big fingers of the parent's hands. Mom or Dad is holding the kid by the handles. Next, the adult slightly lifts the child, so that the backrest detaches from the surface, and lowers back. First, such lifts should be small. Then gradually increase the amplitude. It is important to monitor the child. It should be comfortable and enjoyable such an exercise.
  4. If the child does not turn well: when the baby lies on his back, slightly turn it on his side, supporting under the buttocks, helping him. He must complete the turn himself. So do in one and the other.
  5. Massage is an important component of the morning procedures, because helps to strengthen and develop the appropriate muscles. The procedure begins with stroking, followed by mild rubbing, tingling and sawing. Thus, you need to walk all over the body of the baby: from the heels to the fingers on your hands.

Although doctors recommend gymnastics for the morning, it is not forbidden to engage in these procedures and during the day. Only after eating must pass at least two hours.