Why do people envy?

There are happy and unhappy people. There are those who envy and those who know how to live without this "black" feeling. Why people envy can be due to the fact that they live in ignorance and do not know that they are only able to do harm and, when everything happens, they will bite their elbows and ask themselves: "Why? Why trouble again in my life? ". Each person is the main artist of his life picture, and envy draws on her only oppressive images.

Why do people envy each other: the view of psychologists

First of all, those individuals who have some problems with their own self-esteem are subject to envy. They find it difficult to objectively assess what they have in life. If you look at the daily thoughts of such a person, we get a continuous flow of negative thoughts. It is not excluded that it is difficult for such an individual to find anything positive in anything, envy , criticism, condemnation - all this has become his daily routine.

Even if he achieves the desired, after some time in his life again knocking on envy. This suggests that a person can not focus on their own achievements, albeit insignificant. He can not concentrate on the further achievement of the desired.

In addition, considering the question of why friends are jealous, and even the closest people, we should mention the education of such people. It is not excluded that in childhood they were compared to other children: "Today you again brought bad marks from school, but Ivanov is better than you." This is the error of their parents. Instead of helping his baby discover his life potential, they criticized, put lower than others, eventually sowing seeds of envy.

Why do friends envy?

As is known, female friendship is an elongated concept and not always existing. Every woman on a subconscious level perceives even her close friends with competitors. This creates conflict situations in the women's team. Unlike representatives of the strong half of humanity, ladies envy each other twice as often.

Why can not you be jealous?

Envy breeds a feeling of depression. This, in turn, gives rise to a whole chain of negative consequences, including insomnia and problems with the cardiovascular system. As a result, a jealous person does more harm to himself than to others, "eating" himself from the inside.