Squid in sour cream sauce

Squid is a valuable seafood, which can be considered delicious and dietary. In addition, that the squid possesses unique taste properties, it contains many useful substances in such a combination that does not occur in other types of animal products. In general, probably, the bulk of literate people know that squid is a super-useful product.

But about the preparation of squid (and other cephalopods) will have to explain one very important thing. Let's remember once and for all: this seafood is cooked very quickly - within no more than 3-5 minutes (depends on the size of the pieces to be cooked). If we cook (or stew) for longer, we will turn the tender flesh of the squid into a kind of old rubber sole. Therefore, any thoughts about what should be cooked this way within 20 minutes for safety, leave.

Let's talk about how to cook squid with sour cream sauce . In the shopping networks you can find carcasses of small squid, flesh of large squid pieces and tentacles separately (they are somewhat more difficult to prepare for boiling, so we focus on the first two positions).

Recipe for tender squid in sour cream and garlic sauce



Regardless of whether these are small carcasses or large chunks, we squirt the flesh of the squid with boiling water, clear the films and remove the cartilage (if any). We cut squids with thin short strips and boil in boiling water for 3 minutes (if the pieces are thick, maybe within 4). We extract the pieces with a noise or throw it back in a colander (do not rinse).

We prepare sour cream sauce. Season the sour cream with the garlic pressed through a hand press, chopped red pepper, ground pepper and nutmeg. Slightly greasy.

We spread the squid into serving plates and serve it, sprinkling it with sauce, sprinkling with lemon juice and decorating with greens. As a side dish to squid in sour cream sauce, you can serve sea kale, boiled or pickled asparagus, pasta, rice, fried potatoes with separately fried onions. Wine for this dish is better to choose a light dining room.

And now a slightly more complicated recipe.

Stuffed squid in sour cream cheese sauce



Scald the squid carcasses with boiling water and peel it. We remove the cartilage and boil for no more than 3 minutes in boiling water, then we throw it back to the colander.

We cook the onion-mushroom sauce: finely chopped onions and mushrooms passer in a frying pan in vegetable oil and brawn for 20 minutes on low heat, sometimes stirring (oyster mushrooms can be brushed during 3 minutes).

Mix onion-mushroom sausage with boiled rice and fill the carcass of squid. We put on the plates plates for the 1st carcass.

We prepare the sour cream cheese sauce. In a small scoop, heat the cream almost to a boil and cover the grated cheese, stirring constantly. Melt the cheese and turn off the fire. Add sour cream and dried ground spices. The garlic sold is the last. Stirring.

Pour sauce stuffed carcasses of squid, next to which we spread sea cabbage or marinated asparagus. We make greenery.