Cold borscht - recipes for a delicious summer dish

Cold borscht is a recipe with a lot of interpretations, each of which is worthy of attention and will find its audience of admirers. The dish can be prepared with meat, fish, sausage or in a purely vegetable composition, focusing on individual preferences or availability of products.

How to cook cold borsch?

Mastering the technology of cooking, you need not only to fulfill the requirements of the selected recipe, but also to remember the existence of certain general rules that will contribute to obtaining the desired result.

  1. A liquid base for the food can be broth, beet broth, sour milk product or water.
  2. Making out the cold borsch, the ingredients are prepared according to the requirements of the recipe, supplemented with a cooled liquid base, seasoned to taste and served with sour cream and fresh herbs.
  3. An irreplaceable ingredient, often accompanying any cold borsch, is beet. It is boiled in water, baked in the oven or in a microwave, and then added to the liquid base in the shredded form.

Cold borscht - classic recipe

In the classic version, the dish is prepared from a beet broth, which is cooled and added to the cut ingredients just before serving. In this case, fresh beets are replaced with pickled, which is grinded and put together with other products in chilled boiled water.



  1. Eggs, potatoes, cucumbers and beets are cut.
  2. Shink onions and greens.
  3. Combine the ingredients in a bowl.
  4. Boiled water add salt to taste, add vinegar, sugar, cool.
  5. Serve cold borsch with pickled beets, putting a little cut into the plate, which is poured with water and supplemented with sour cream.

Lithuanian cold borsch - recipe

Lithuanian cold borscht has its own individual feature: a dish is prepared on kefir with fresh radish and served with boiled peeled potatoes on a separate plate. An obligatory condition is high fat content of used fermented milk products and their low acidity.



  1. Cooked beets and eggs are cleaned and cut.
  2. Shred cucumber, radish, onions and greens.
  3. Mix the ingredients, add sour cream, water, kefir.
  4. Season Lithuanian cold borsch with beets to taste and serve with potatoes.

Cold borsch with sausage - recipe

The following recipe for cold borsch with beets and sausage will allow you to simultaneously enjoy a refreshing dish for dinner on a hot summer day and, thanks to its nutritional properties, to satisfy hunger qualitatively. If desired, the composition can be supplemented with radish, and also bring the liquid base to taste with the addition of sugar.



  1. Beets are cut and boiled in water with vinegar and salt.
  2. The broth is cooled and cooled.
  3. Shirkuyut eggs, potatoes, cucumbers and sausage, chop the greens.
  4. When serving, put in a saucer sliced, poured with a decoction of beetroot, add sour cream.

Cold borsch on kefir - recipe

Cold borscht, the recipe of which will be described below, is similar in composition to the Lithuanian version, with one exception: the dish is prepared with boiled potatoes, which are served separately in the Baltic States. Acuteness and piquancy to this dish will give a table horseradish, the amount of which can be changed at will.



  1. Boil beets, eggs, potatoes, clean, cut.
  2. Shred cucumbers and greens and together with other components are poured with kefir and water.
  3. Season the cold borscht on kefir to taste and serve.

Cold borsch of beet leaves

Cold borscht is a recipe that can be performed not only with cooked beetroot roots, but also add a young vegetable top to the dish. At the same time, the leaves should be washed, dried and finely chopped. More mature herbs should be blanched beforehand and only after that enter into the food.



  1. Boil the beets in water, the broth cool.
  2. Beets, eggs, potatoes are cleaned, crushed as cucumbers, greens and tops.
  3. Mix the chopped ingredients.
  4. Some beets are thrown into the broth, seasoned to taste.
  5. Cold borsch with beet tops served with sour cream.

Cold borsch with sprats in tomato

Cold borsch with sprat cooked according to the following recipe, if desired, you can also serve hot: the dish will be equally tasty, satisfying and prepared in three counts. The whole process is reduced to slicing and seeding vegetables, which are combined together and complemented with canned beans and fish in tomato.



  1. Shred kale and potatoes, put in boiling water, cook for 10 minutes.
  2. Add a dressing of onions, carrots and beets, which is introduced into the pasta, lay the beans, fish, season the dish, cook for 5-10 minutes.

Cold borsch with meat

Cold borscht, a simple recipe of which you learn later, is the most nutritious and nutritious due to the presence of chopped meat. Instead of beef, you can use pork, chicken, pre-boiling the product until cooked in salted water with the addition of spices and spices.



  1. Boil the beets with vinegar, clean, cut, return to the broth, cool.
  2. Shirkuyut all components and greens, mixed in a bowl.
  3. Serve cold borsch with beef , putting a bowl of sliced ​​into a bowl, adding it with beet infusions, sour cream, seasoning to taste.

Cold borscht-mashed potatoes - recipe

Alternatively, you can cook cold borscht-mashed potatoes in the heat. A gentle and at the same time piquant taste of the obtained delicacy will subdue even fastidious eaters who after the tasting will not only be satisfied with the meal, but will also ask for supplements. Canned tomatoes can be replaced with fresh ones by adding a little paste.



  1. Boil the sliced ​​beets.
  2. Add the celery, cucumber, pepper, tomatoes, cook for 20 minutes.
  3. Borsch the borsch with vinegar, seasonings, warm up 2 minutes, and merge.
  4. Cool the dish and serve with rusks, herbs and sour cream.

Cold borscht from sorrel

Cold borscht, the available recipe of which is presented below, is prepared without the participation of beets, but with fresh sorrel. The dish turns out surprisingly fresh on taste, with pleasant sourness and incredibly fragrant. If desired, this option can also be made more nutritious, adding a little boiled meat or chopped sausage.



  1. Boil the sliced ​​potatoes in water, lay the sorrel, cook for 2 minutes.
  2. Shake a raw egg with milk and a spoon of broth, pour the mixture in a thin trickle into a saucepan, stirring, chilling.
  3. Grind greens, cooked 3 eggs, cucumbers, mixed with sour cream.
  4. Serve cold borsch with sorrel , putting in a bowl of 2 spoons of "salad" and seasoning to taste.