Fractional diet for weight loss

The key to proper fractional nutrition is the variety of food and the frequency of nutrition. Thus the person never feels hungry, and its energy remains at a high level. This is because frequent small portions of healthy foods with a low fat content, reduce a person's hunger - and therefore protect him from consuming excess calories. This is the basis for the proponents of fractional nutrition, which recommend it for weight loss, and chose the words with their slogan: "Fractional food - there is to lose weight!"

Harley Pasternak, the personal trainer of Hollywood celebrities, offers his strategy of fractional nutrition for losing weight. Its goal is not only to lose weight on a fractional diet, but also not to return to its former weight in the future. Harley Pasternak is building his principle of fractional nutrition on five factors.

Fractional power: Harley Pasternak and his diet of five factors

In this diet, everything relies on the figure 5. In other words, this principle of fractional nutrition for weight loss involves a menu of five components: carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, 5 or more grams of natural fibers, low-fat proteins, healthy fats and a beverage without sugar. And there is a need 5 times a day. This keeps your energy and maintains a sense of satiety in the body with a minimum number of calories.

The glycemic index of the product is calculated on the basis of the time that the body needs to split the glucose in the product, which the human body uses as fuel, and transfer this glucose into the bloodstream. Products with a small glycemic index - for example, fruits, vegetables and beans - increase the percentage of glucose in the blood gradually. This helps the person to control his appetite, and for a longer time feel full.

What makes the above-mentioned principle of fractional nutrition attractive for most of the clients of Harley Pasternak is the lack of the need to carefully calculate the calories consumed. Here is what the trainer says: "I advise my clients not to attach so much importance to the size of portions or weighing cooked food, but to rely on simple logic. When I say that I need to eat one serving of chicken breast, this does not mean that there should be eight such breasts. "

Fractional nutrition, based on a diet of five factors, allows one "free day" in a week, which is allowed to eat anything you want. This tactic Harley Pasternak suggests that a person was less susceptible to such temptations within a week. True, he warns his clients that they perceive a "free day" not as an opportunity to try everything they see in front of him, but only as an opportunity to relax a little. "Eat this bun or a piece of cake that you so want to eat, but stop here," Harley says.

Does such a split-food result?

"Yes," answers Harley Pasternak. However, fractional nutrition can be suitable for weight loss only if the following conditions are taken into account:

  1. You eat foods with a low glycemic index. At the heart of the pyramid of low GI are vegetables - asparagus, artichokes, pepper, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, green salads, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers, eggplants, radish, peas, tomatoes and zucchini. Then - legumes: turkish peas, beans, lentils. And also, some fruits and berries - apples, apricots, strawberries, melons, cherries, oranges, grapefruit, kiwi, peaches, mandarins, pears, fresh pineapples, blackberries.
  2. The average GI is characterized by pasta, unprocessed rice, wholemeal bread, while high is sugar, white bread, potatoes and white flour.
  3. Products with high GI replace with proteins - fish, chicken, meat, game, eggs, yogurt, and also a small amount of unsaturated fats - olive or rapeseed oil, nuts and fatty fish.
  4. Do not forget about the ratio of 30% - 70%, since in fractional nutrition it plays for weight loss is very important. This ratio indicates the percentage of proteins - fats and foods with a low GI, which you include in your menu.
  5. Eat often. Small frequent snacks, which are based on the scheme of fractional nutrition for weight loss, maintains your energy at a high level. In parallel, a rich variety of useful products help to feel fed for a long time.
  6. Prefer small snacks. Instead of one "free day", allow yourself to eat a very small amount of products from the "forbidden list" every day.

Concluding the conversation about fractional nutrition, we propose an approximate menu - he is followed by Eva Mentes and Catherine Hale:

First breakfast



Afternoon snack
