Ethics and psychology of business communication

The ethics of business communication is a special case of ethics, a science of behavior that corresponds to social norms and moral foundations of the society. The concept of ethics is closely connected with psychology, since by doing in a certain way, a person strives not to disturb the mental comfort of other people.

6 rules of business communication

The psychology and ethics of business relations are based on the notion of a norm, which are understandable and generally considered generally accepted. Scientists distinguish six rules on which psychology and ethics of business contact are built. A person who gives them the proper value will always be seen as a reliable partner.

  1. Appearance . In a business atmosphere, you need to look well-groomed, well-dressed person who knows exactly what elements make up the business style. Dressing with taste and not allowing yourself to come to work in a grubby manner, you show your responsibility, because here you are the face of the company.
  2. Punctuality . Normally a person must come to the meeting exactly at the appointed time. If in the workplace a person allows himself to be late, his colleagues think that he does not take work seriously enough.
  3. Literacy . A business person should be literate - watch his written and oral speech, be able to choose the right expressions, be tactful and politically correct.
  4. Confidentiality . The ability not to disseminate information that a priori should be hidden from outsiders in actual and in everyday life, and in the business world. Disclosure of classified information will not only spoil your reputation, but may have more serious consequences for the whole company.
  5. Attention to others . This quality will allow you to better understand other people, listen to their opinion and guess how it happened. The ability to adequately respond to constructive criticism is also important.
  6. Goodwill. In the working environment it is not customary to show your negative emotions or bad mood. Here in the company of any person you should be polite, smiling and pleasant in communication.

The ethics and psychology of a business person are in many respects similar to that adopted for people in a civilized society in general. All norms and frameworks are laid down in the person in childhood, in the family, but this is not enough. Ethics and business psychology make it possible to fill in the gaps and behave in accordance with the rules.