Creme brulee Recipe

An amazing dessert creme brulee was first prepared in the seventeenth century in England. Since then, the popularity of this dish has grown and today dessert cream-brulee is served in many cafes and restaurants. Also, creme brulee can be prepared at home. This dessert is a delicious cream, covered with a hard caramel crust. To prepare cream-brulee, yolks, milk, flour, sugar, vanilla sugar and flavor are used - most often lemon zest. Also, today it is very popular among children and adults cream-brulee ice cream. In this article, we'll talk about how to make cream-brulee yourself.

Classic recipe for cream-brulee dessert

This recipe is designed for six servings. For the preparation of dessert the following products will be needed: 900 ml of milk, 6 egg yolks, 200 grams of sugar, 2 tablespoons of flour, 4-5 cm of cinnamon sticks, 1 tablespoon of vanilla sugar, 2 shavings of lemon peel. In a saucepan, pour 700 ml of milk, add lemon peel, cinnamon, vanilla sugar, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes.

100 ml of milk should be beaten with yolks to a homogeneous mass, and the remaining 100 ml of milk whipped with flour. In hot, already removed from the plate milk, it is necessary to pour both mixtures - milk with flour and milk with eggs. All should be stirred well until smooth and again put on a small fire until thick (about 10 minutes). The resulting thick cream should be poured over portioned vases (6 pieces) and put in a cool place for 1 hour.

While the cream is cooling, you need to cook caramel. For this, sugar should be poured into a small saucepan, put on a fire and heated until the sugar turns brown and melts (about 5 minutes). Hot caramel should be poured over molds over the cooled cream and leave to harden for 10-15 minutes in a cool place. Dessert cream-brulee ready!

Knowing how to make cream-brulee according to a classic recipe, you can easily prepare various variations of this dessert. For example, a lemon can be replaced with another flavor. And if you are a fan of all chocolate, no one will prevent you from adding to the dessert grated chocolate.

Now that you know how to cook creme brulee at home, you can regularly delight your family with a terrific dessert and pleasantly surprise guests.