Allergy to water

One of the rarest allergens is ordinary water. Despite the fact that this liquid is the main component of the tissues of the human body, it can cause various skin rashes and other unpleasant symptoms.

Allergy to water - the main symptoms:

  1. Localized small rash of red or pink in the arms, abdomen, neck.
  2. Islets of dry skin, similar to eczema, under the knees, on the forearms and upper back.
  3. Hives accompanied by itching and flaking.
  4. Cough. This feature is typical when drinking untreated water from a tap.
  5. Distribution of allergic reactions to the entire skin.

Sometimes the symptoms of water allergy disappear on their own after the skin-liquid contact is limited.

Is it allergic to any water?

Typically, allergy sufferers do not tolerate any particular type of water with a specific composition. But there are only a few hundred people in the world who suffer from a true allergy to water, this disease is called Aquagenic Urticaria. A characteristic of the disease are extensive rashes and severe skin irritation in contact with any water, even distilled.

Allergy to chlorinated water

In the first case, microdamages appear on the skin - cracks and wounds. They arise because of the allergy to cold water in any of its aggregate state, that is, on snow and ice inclusive. Skin overdrying and often strongly flaky.

Thermal urticaria is marked by a strong reddening and irritation of the skin, the appearance of small bubbles with a viscous liquid that pass in a few hours. So the allergy to hot water and steam is shown.

Allergy to seawater

All the allergic manifestations at sea are caused by the following factors:

In this case, the allergy is complicated by prolonged intense exposure to sunlight on the skin, which causes symptoms of thermal urticaria.

Allergy to water - treatment:

  1. Limit contact with the allergen. For example, put filters on water faucets or visit the pool, where chlorine free disinfectants are used.
  2. Take antihistamines.
  3. Correct the immunity. Most experts believe that allergic reactions to water are caused by disturbances in the work of the immune system, namely, in the increase of immunoglobulin E.