Benefits of melon

There are a lot of melon varieties and all of them are united by a delicious aroma reminiscent of a hot summer, great taste and, of course, good for the human body from every bit of melon. The latter lies in its diverse composition, saturated with vitamins, which will be discussed below.

Benefits of melon for the body

  1. Silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium , iodine, magnesium, vitamins C, PP, E, A, B1, B2 - all this contains this delicious fruit. Moreover, it contains fiber, folic acid, ascorbic acid, pectins.
  2. If you have any diseases of the cardiovascular system, safely include the melon in your diet, because the vitamins contained in it, are struggling with many disabilities in this area. So, experts recommend to consume it as a preventive measure of atherosclerosis.
  3. Because this is an excellent diuretic, a melon treat should be eaten with kidney diseases. Moreover, it is able to remove excess water from your body, while relieving it of various toxins.
  4. It is worth adding to all of the above and the fact that the benefits of melons lies in its anthelmintic effect.
  5. To date, in a period of a lot of stress, unpleasant life surprises, this vegetable is able to return the upbeat mood, thereby favorably affecting the human nervous system. Such a positive effect is due to the "hormone of happiness", serotonin, which is a considerable amount in the pulp.
  6. Fiber, not only improves appetite , but also produces cholesterol.
  7. Proceeding from the fact that this relative of the pumpkin family is almost 90% water, it not only quenches thirst, improves the appearance of the skin, but also removes stones from the kidneys and bladder.
  8. Benefits of a melon for health is because it contains ascorbic acid, it not only improves digestion, but also prepares the body for winter colds and infections.
  9. If we talk about melon seeds, then for men they are an aphrodisiac, which has an effect on male power. So, traditional medicine recommends consuming them fresh in no more than 2 grams per day, combined with honey.

Benefits of melon during pregnancy

This melon culture is a natural antidepressant, and, given that due to changes in the hormonal background, expectant moms often have mood swings, and melon is more useful than ever.

The content of folic acid in it is useful, both at the stage of preparation for pregnancy, and in the first trimester. Unlike watermelon, the melon less aggressively removes liquid from the body, and therefore, in order to prevent swelling, eat this natural treat on a few slices a day.

In case of stool retention, melon pulp, containing a considerable amount of plant fibers, will help the intestines of the pregnant woman. To improve the complexion, apply melon crusts, helping to get rid of, as from annoying acne, and from acne, freckles, pigment spots.

Calorie melon, its benefits and harm

On the note to those who follow their figure, the calorie content of the vegetable is only 35 kcal. True, if we talk not only about its benefits, but also its harmful properties, it is worth noting that the melon is contraindicated:

And remember that it should be eaten 2 hours after the main meal. In addition, do not combine eating melon with other foods, so as not to provoke fermentation.