Clarkia - planting and care

Quite a spectacular plant that can quite compete with roses . The flower of the clark is distinguished by a wide variety of shades and forms of inflorescences, because you can create on your site beautiful variegated flower beds from one plant.

Flower of a daffodil

It is a beautifully flowered annual with very delicate and bright flowers. The plant has rather thin (even elegant) straight or branching stems. Leaflets have an oval shape. Flowers come in a variety of colors: from pale pink to saturated red.

Two species are most often grown. Clarkia nail (it is also called "graceful") has a branching stem. It grows up to 90 cm in height. Her flowers are slightly narrowed to the base, delicate. There are both simple and double varieties.

Clarkia's beautiful is also used to decorate the site. It grows to 60 cm and has flowers of regular shape. This species also has simple and double varieties.

Clarkia: growing from seeds

Cultivation of this flower is not difficult and with observance of all rules gives a tremendous result. Consider the main points when planting and caring for clarkey.

  1. Seeds are sown with a wooden plaque during sowing. Then sprinkle water from the spray gun and cover with a lid. The box needs to be placed in a bright place, but without the direct rays of the sun.
  2. After the appearance of the first leaves, the cover can be removed. Further, the seedlings are dived and kept in well-ventilated greenhouses before disembarkation. This option is suitable for growing clarkeys from seeds with the subsequent formation of a flower bed.
  3. If you want to plant a flower bed directly on the site, then it should be sown in April-May. Frozen seeds are not at all afraid. Allowed landing for the winter.
  4. The place for planting clarkey should be sufficiently sunny, and the soil - loose. The plant prefers light or medium soil, slightly acidic.
  5. Before sowing or planting in the ground, it is necessary to properly prepare the ground. Make a small amount of mineral fertilizers: for each square meter of 1 tbsp. spoon of superphosphate and sulfate.
  6. When planting, the distance between seedlings should be at least 15 cm. If you have grown seeds in pots, you can start transplanting in May. When the sprouts are still small, Clarkia very well tolerate the landing in a new place. Leaving between the seedlings more than 20 cm is not recommended, since the plant will not flower enough abundantly.

Cultivation of Clarkeye

In principle, planting clarkey and caring for her will not make it difficult even for a beginner gardener. It is enough only to water the flowers, especially in drought, and twice a week to feed the mineral fertilizers.

After watering, water should not stand. The roots of the plant are shallow and if waterlogged, fungal diseases can develop. Find them simply: you will notice on the leaves gray spots with a black edge. The plant should be immediately treated with fungicides. It is enough to water once or twice a week at the very root.

When caring for clarkey, be sure to pinch the young plants as soon as they reach a height of 20 cm. Then you can form lush bushes and get abundant flowering. It falls on the period from July to August. In the period of bud formation, fertilize flowers with "Rainbow" or "Kemira" fertilizers, this will help to get even more magnificent flowering.

To bloom last as long as possible, always clean the dried flowers and old ovaries. As soon as this period is over, we cut the plant to the ground without any regrets. Fruit-boxes should not be removed. Leave a few on the plant to get the seeds for the next season. Clarkia may well multiply by self-seeding and in the spring you will only have to cut the shoots.