Whitefly on indoor flowers - wrestling

This problem will almost certainly become actual for you if there are a lot of plants on the window, it is constantly warm and humid. The whitefly wrecker is not just dangerous for many species, but it is also difficult to remove, so you will have to be patient and start with the most simple methods, and if necessary, go to the most dangerous chemicals for home use.

How to get rid of the whitefly?

To prevent the appearance of whiteflies on indoor plants it is important to constantly provide a flow of fresh air in the room. You can not overload the window sill with flowerpots and of course choose the soil in packages or disinfect it yourself.

Such pests of houseplants, like the whitefly, should first of all "cover off oxygen" with hygienic measures. Firstly, if the room is cool enough in the morning, the wrecker simply will not be able to fly (and "emigrate" and every month the female insect will be able to postpone for 300 months). Next, you should thoroughly rinse the leaves of plants from the back side, if possible, transplant in a new clean soil. Ideally, the fight against whitefly on indoor flowers is a week quarantine on the balcony at a temperature of no higher than 14 ° C. If you have heat-loving plants at home and such an approach is disastrous for them, we will use chemistry. Below we will consider the list of the most effective means of whitefly:

  1. The first group includes drugs for combating whitefly on indoor flowers, affecting directly the pest organism, which will prevent it from multiplying so rapidly. These chemicals include Kinmis, Aktaru and Admiral. Apply them throughout the plant by a drip method.
  2. It is more difficult to get rid of the massive invasion of the whitefly, as here it is necessary to arrange quarantine and process flowers with stronger chemistry. Pre-carefully wash all the sheets with a touch, completely spoiled cut and disposed of. When mass infection is better to use the Comfidor or Talstar. The preparations are also applied by foliar spraying.
  3. It happens that on plants there are at once all stages of development from the whitefly larvae to the adult insect. Then we will work immediately in several directions: some preparations for the destruction of larvae, others for the insect, and complex chemicals can be found. Usually in stores on packages of complex preparations, plant species are indicated, for which they are preferably used.
  4. Among the types of remedy for whitefly, suitable for the so-called thermophilic species, mention can be made of the insecticides Actelic, Mospilan and Fufanon. They are relatively safe, but require systemic use.