Why does not the apple blossom and bear fruit?

Apple tree is one of the most common trees in our gardens. Its delicious and healthy fruits like everything. And it is not difficult to grow this tree, the main thing is to take care of it properly, and then the apple tree will give you a wonderful harvest.

However, there are apple trees that do not blossom and do not bear fruit for a long time, so why does this happen? Let's look at this issue, which worries many gardeners-lovers.

What if the apple-tree does not bear fruit?

The reasons for the situation when the apple tree does not bear fruit for a long time may be different:

  1. The apple tree does not bloom. To begin, specify the time of planting the tree, because bloom some apple varieties begin at the age of 7-10 years. So, if your apple tree does not have flowers in the spring, then it is quite possible that it still "did not grow" before that. It will not hurt to check the depth of tree planting, because the overly buried apple tree will grow longer, fighting for its survival. When properly planted, the root neck of the apple seedlings should be flush with the soil surface. Try to be more attentive to the care for not flowering apples: regularly water the tree, feed and loosen the soil under it.
  2. An inexperienced horticulturist can cut fruit branches on an apple tree with annual pruning, which can not be done, because fruits will be formed on them.
  3. In the event that the flower buds on the apple tree form, but the flowers do not dissolve, you should carefully inspect the tree for pests. For example, the larvae of such an insect, as tsvetoed, feed on the contents of blossoming apple blossoms. It is necessary to prevent diseases and pests of apple trees.
  4. If the adult apple tree does not bear fruit, although the tree blossoms, then pay attention to the crown of the tree. Fruiting apple trees will only occur on branches that grow horizontally. Therefore, branches that grow vertically upward, you need to smoothly bend it with, for example, a cuff with a rope or a load. Flowers can crumble due to strong frost. Therefore, the apple tree should be planted in places protected from the movement of masses of cold air.
  5. Sometimes a tree blooms very richly, but the fruits still do not tie. Perhaps there is a problem with the pollination of the apple blossoms. To eliminate it, you should plant several different varieties of apple trees next to each other. And if there is an apiary next to your garden, then you will not have problems with pollination of apple trees.

If you are caring for a tree correctly, and it still does not bring a harvest, you can use folk ways how to make the apple tree bear fruit. For example, you can bury under the tree any metal objects with rust, or to hammer a pair of rusty nails into the trunk of an apple tree. It is the supply of iron sometimes gives impetus to the fruit bearing of the apple tree.