Cleaning of the liver by Moritz

Andreas Moritz for many years practiced yoga and ayurveda, but over time he felt the need for additional methods of cleaning the body. In the first place - the liver. As the world's leading expert in integrative medicine, he developed his own way of carrying out this procedure. To date, cleansing the liver by Moritz is the most effective of all known.

Cleaning of the liver by Moritz - details

The method developed by Andreas Moritz is a multi-stage liver cleansing. It allows you to completely get rid of stones in the gallbladder and liver, thereby normalizing the work of the digestive tract. You will be surprised, but the general health will also improve significantly. After cleansing, people experience an incredible surge of energy and strength, heartburn and pain disappear, a healthy appetite appears. Here are the basic rules for the procedure:

  1. One week before the procedure should go on a vegetarian diet and drink a day at least 1 liter of apple juice, preferably - freshly squeezed. This will clear the intestines and soften the gallstones.
  2. For 1-2 days you should undergo hydrocolonoscopy.
  3. In the morning on the day of cleaning, breakfast with oatmeal on water and an apple without skin. At 13.00 you can eat 2 baked apples.
  4. Dissolve 4 tbsp. l of magnesium sulfate in 3 cups of water. Divide the solution into four equal parts, at 18.00 drink the first of them, at 20.00 - the second.
  5. Lie down on your right side, put a heating pad under it. Remain in this position for 40 minutes.
  6. Mix a glass of grapefruit juice and 350 ml of unrefined olive oil . Drink with a volley at 21.30, then go to bed and put the heating pad on the right side again. Lie motionless for 2 hours.
  7. After the due time, you will need to empty the intestines. After that, you can safely sleep until morning.
  8. At 6.00, drink 3 parts of the solution, at 8.00 - last. In the interval between these actions, the liver will be completely purified.
  9. After 1-2 weeks, repeat the procedure. It is advisable to take a course of 12-15 stages.

Cleaning the liver, which starts the method of Moritz, is capable of raising even the most severe patients on their feet!