Curvature of septum of nose

Difficulty breathing, frequent headaches, a tendency to sinusitis and frontitis - all these symptoms indicate a curvature of the septum of the nose. Outwardly, your nose can be perfectly even!

Possible causes of curvature of the septum of the nose

What to do if you have a curvature of the septum of the nose, depends on the causes that caused this physiological defect. The matter is that conservative methods of treatment in this case are not effective and the operation is shown. Since there are several surgical methods of varying complexity, you need to carefully study all the input data. So, here are the main reasons for curving the nasal septum:

  1. Physiological causes that caused curvature. Usually this happens in the childhood and adolescence, when the growth of the cartilage, from which the septum separates the right nostril from the left, outruns the growth of the skull's skull structures. As a result, the partition is longer and bends into one or two sides.
  2. Compensatory causes of curvature. This curvature is also a reaction of the body to the inconsistency of the conditions for the formation of cartilage. But in this case it is a question of neoplasms - cysts and polyps, overlapping the nasal passage, as a result of which the septum deviates from the usual trajectory.
  3. Curvature of a traumatic nature, as the name implies, arises as a result of various kinds of injuries. It is significant that in men this happens 3 times more often than in women.

Symptoms of curvature of the septum of the nose of all types are approximately the same and do not depend on the location of the curved part of the septum nor on the severity of the disease. Sometimes strong, noticeable externally, curvature, including deformation of the bones of the nose, does not cause difficulty in breathing and passes asymptomatically. At the same time, even a slight defect can cause serious complications and completely deprive the person of the opportunity to breathe through his nose. All individually! Here are the main signs of curvature of the nasal septum:

Often in adults, various kinds of nasal septal deformations occur asymptomatically and are found when examining adjacent areas. An accurate diagnosis can be made using a rhinoscope and an X-ray.

Treatment of curvature of the septum of the nose

Often patients, especially those who do not experience significant discomfort as a result of deformation of the septum, refuse treatment. But this is not the right decision! The consequences of curving the septum of the nose can not be called harmless. It:

To date, there are two main areas of treatment - a surgical operation to reduce the curvature of the septum of the nose and the laser. Septoplasty can affect only the cartilaginous body, and can be combined with rhinoplasty if there is also a deformation of the bony structures of the nose. Usually this type of intervention occurs under general anesthesia . Laser surgery helps to straighten the curvature of the septum of the nose without incisions, by heating and fixing the cartilage in the right direction. The latter option is suitable only for those who have minor violations. The operation is under local anesthesia.