Kombilipen - indications for use

The drug Kombilipen is used in the complex treatment of severe pain that occurs when the nerve is infringed. Neuralgia can occur not only in the musculoskeletal system, but also on the face.

Composition and method of application of Kombilipen

Kombilipen consists of the main complex of multivitamins of group B:

Depending on the indications for use, Kombilipen can be administered into the body in two ways:

Indications for the use of injections Kublipen

Depending on the dosage form, the Kombilipen auxiliaries may differ. To reduce pain when injected, the drug includes lidocaine hydrochloride. By volume in one ampoule contains 2 milliliters of the drug. The administration of injections is performed only by a doctor.

Indications for the use of Kubilipen injections are as follows:

In the case of using Kombilipen in a high dosage, you can increase blood flow or reduce pain. The drug is able to relieve painful syndromes of different parts of the spine:

The use of injections of Kombilipen is effective for various problems of the musculoskeletal system, and also relieves pain in the syndrome caused by degenerative changes in the spine.

In addition, indications for the use of Kombilipen are:

Indications for the use of tablets Komlipen

To consolidate the result and better assimilation of B vitamins, in parallel with injections it is recommended to take pills. They are round in shape, and each has white film marking "HC 803" on top. In the composition of tablets, in contrast to injections, in addition to the main vitamins B1, B6 and B12 added:

Thanks to all components, there is an effective effect on the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. If there was a deficiency of vitamins, the use of Kombilipen will help to quickly restore it.

The main indications for the use of Kombilipen Tubs are the same as when using injections. The appointment is carried out only by a doctor. The specialist will, after the examination and the results of the analysis, determine in the expediency of prescribing to the patient Kombilipen, in which particular dosage form. Advantages in the use of injections compared with the tablets Kombilipen Tubs are:

Indications in which do not apply Komlipen

In addition to a large number of indications for use, Kombilipen has a number of limitations in which the drug is not recommended. It can not be used in case of pregnancy. The components of the drug can cause abnormalities in the embryo and provoke fetal malformations. The use of Kombilipen in the lactation period is also prohibited, since along with the milk, the baby gets components that have a negative effect on his body. With caution, the drug is used if sensitivity to the B vitamins is detected.