How to pump up the press to the dice?

The sunny summer, rest on the beach and a long-awaited vacation are just around the corner. But, as soon as you start thinking about this, you understand that you still need to pump up the press to the dice, choose the perfect bathing suit and look "for 100".

How quickly to pump the cubes of the press?

A seductive body can be not only a dream, but a reality. The main thing is to embody it. It is not necessary to spend inconceivable sums of money to buy simulators and go to the gym. It is enough to adhere to the regular schedule of basic exercises, helping to pump 8 dice of the press as quickly as possible:

  1. Double twisting. Lie on the floor. Simultaneously raise both the trunk and legs. Complete the exercise by touching the elbows with the elbows. In the prone position, the legs should be straightened. Lifting - bend the knees.
  2. Twisting. Take the prone position. Push the feet to the body. Legs or someone should hold, or fix them, tucked under the couch. Hands clasp in the "lock" behind the head. Raise the body until the elbows touch the knees.
  3. Raising the legs number 1. To perform this exercise, it is enough to hang on a street bar, lifting the straight legs above.
  4. Raising the legs number 2. Go to the uneven bars. Lean on them with your hands. Just like in the previous exercise, raise the straight legs.

How to pump the bottom cubes of the press?

The muscles of the lower part of the press can only be pumped up if you lift your legs, but not at the expense of the hips, but only with the help of the stomach tension. The pace should be selected moderate: 8-13 times and 4-5 approaches.

  1. Raising your legs. Grab the crossbar. Keep your legs bent or straight, but in such a way that the belt line is below your hips.
  2. A bike. Lie on your back. Straining the muscles of the abdomen , carry out movements that resemble the twisting of pedals on a bicycle.