Rash on legs

Sometimes on the skin can appear different rashes, which require a thorough examination. A rash on the legs can be a common allergic reaction, and sometimes - a manifestation of dangerous diseases. Therefore, it is very important to understand the nature of its occurrence.

Types of rash

Rashes can be different, namely as:

Separately, it is worth mentioning hemorrhagic rash on the legs, which manifests itself in the form of dots, spots, and strips of bright red, purple, black. It can occur on the body due to many diseases that are associated with heredity and infections, for example, hemophilia, meningitis or von Willebrand's disease.

Depending on the duration, the rash may be short-lived. As a rule, it disappears in a few days, but can again manifest itself. A longer and non-vanishing rash is a sign of a chronic illness. As soon as a red rash appears on your feet, you should immediately consult a doctor who can make a more accurate diagnosis and identify the cause of its occurrence.

Causes of rash on the legs

Characteristic rashes may appear for a number of reasons that are quite safe, for example, the reaction of the body to taking medications or dust. An allergic rash on the legs of this kind can go away a few days after stopping contact with allergens.

A rash on the toes can result from a fungal disease, such as contact dermatitis or ringworm. In some cases, they can be triggered by poor hygiene or wearing not enough quality footwear. A rash on the lower leg, as well as between the fingers can appear due to a lack or, on the contrary, an overabundance of vitamins. Also, the defeat of the skin can be triggered by a violation of the hormonal background. In any case, only the specialist will be able to give you more detailed information.

In addition to these not very dangerous reasons, there are also more terrible diseases, the manifestation of which is also rashes on the skin of the legs. Very often a rash on the soles of the feet can trigger diseases such as eczema, psoriasis or parasitic infections. If the affected areas of the skin are accompanied by severe itching, then this may indicate the presence of cutaneous parasites. Subcutaneous mites are very contagious, so treat the disease as early as possible.

Determination of the disease by the appearance of rashes

Depending on the appearance, you can determine the disease itself. So, the cause of the appearance of a rash in the form of bubbles may be:

Rash in the form of nodules and plaques is a sign of such diseases as:

Eruptions in the form of ulcers can be a manifestation of ischemic and varicose ulcers.

The appearance of a small rash on the legs can provoke a number of other dangerous diseases:

As soon as there are skin rashes on your body that are accompanied by persistent itching, you should immediately consult a doctor. A timely reaction will allow you to maintain health and avoid complications. Remember that some diseases have symptoms in the form of rashes, which may not bother you, but be a signal of a chronic illness or a serious malfunction in the body.