Chill - good and bad

Since ancient times, the cold has earned a place on any feast, and to this day remains one of the most favorite Russian snacks. This dish is quite simple to prepare, and besides, it is nutritious and nutritious. Consider the benefit and harm of the cold for human health.

How useful is the chill?

The jellyfish is one of those dishes in which a lot of nutrients are preserved: vitamins A, C and B9, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus , copper, rubidium, fluorine, vanadium and boron. It is worth noting that the positive properties of broth, boiled on bones and cartilage, is added and the benefits of the type of meat that was used in the recipe. However, the pig and beef jelly benefit and harm generally bear the same body.

Consider the positive effect of the health on the health:

Moreover, the cold contains a lot of vitamin A, which allows you to improve your vision, longer to maintain its normal function.

Calorie content of the cold

Depending on the ratio of products in the cold and used meat, this dish can have different energy values. For example, in 100 g of beef cold, about 140 - 180 calories, and the calorie content of the pork chill varies about 300-350 kcal.

The Harm of the Sick

It should be remembered that the jellyfish is prepared from fatty foods of animal origin, in connection with which there is a risk of excess production of harmful cholesterol and the development of vascular and heart diseases because of this. In general, if you do not eat jelly more than once a week, or from time to time, there is nothing to worry about.

Answering the question about whether a cold is useful or harmful, one can say that its positive properties clearly outweigh the negative, but with one caveat - it is important to use it in limited quantities and not too often.