Coloring eyebrows at home

Correction and coloring of the eyebrows at home have long become routine procedures for many women. Already gone are the times when they rushed to the salon to the master every 2-3 weeks in order that he corrected the shape of the eyebrows and painted them in the right color.

What do I need to paint my eyebrows?

  1. Pefecto Cil is a paint of the right color.
  2. Oxi dant 3% - to activate the paint.
  3. A flat bevelled brush that can be purchased either in a cosmetic store or in an art shop.
  4. Small capacity for paint dilution.

Painting eyebrows with henna is also possible, however, it is worth considering that this is not a professional way of staining. When using henna, the oxidant is not needed, the henna powder is diluted with water.

Method of painting eyebrows at home

  1. Clean the area of ​​painting with a cloth or detergent, and then determine the area of ​​painting. It is easier to work if you mark the boundary of the paint with a white pencil - circle them around the eyebrows, outlining the points of bends and borders. Use the brush to determine the main points, applying it vertically to the bridge of the nose (the beginning of the eyebrow), diagonally across the far edge of the iris of the eye (bend area), and diagonally across the outer corner of the eye (the end of the eyebrow is determined).
  2. When the eyebrows are prepared, mix the paint with the oxidant. Enough small pea paint and about 5 drops of the oxidant. Today you can buy already diluted paint, but this option is not more economical.
  3. Now you need to apply the paint with a flat brush on your eyebrows, without going beyond the intended boundaries. At the same time, you can make a temporary correction of the eyebrows - if there is a shortage of hairs somewhere, just dye them with a brush, and the darkened color will remain permanently on the skin. If the paint was not applied carefully, remove the excess with the help of a cotton swab.
  4. The final stage of painting is the correction of shape. Circle the thin cotton swab of the paint border so that it dyes the skin and eyebrows smoothly. After 10 minutes, wash off the paint. The longer it remains on the eyebrows, the brighter and more saturated the color, but it is also important to remember that eyebrows can be "burned" with long staining.

How to lighten the eyebrows after painting?

Correction of the shape of the eyebrows and the coloring does not always go well, and therefore it becomes necessary to lighten the eyebrows.

Doing clarification with hydrogen peroxide at home is not recommended. There are special means for flushing paint, which professional hairdressers use, and these masters should be contacted for a similar purpose. If you yourself try to lighten your eyebrows, it can either spoil them, or give an unpredictable color result.