Chlorogenic acid is good and bad

Chlorogenic acid is a popular component of various dietary supplements. It has gained popularity relatively recently, so at the moment there have been few studies that could reliably confirm or disprove its effectiveness. While judging whether chlorogenic acid brings benefit and harm is due to not too large-scale experiments in which studies are often conducted in mice, rather than in humans.

What is the use of chlorogenic acid?

Producers of numerous dietary supplements based on chlorogenic acid offer their customers to regard this component as a fat burner, which will help to lose weight even the most lazy sweet tooth. Is it worth to believe such promises and what is the benefit of chlorogenic acid in fact?

The human body is a very sensitive mechanism and it reacts to the slightest changes in vital activity. If you start eating a little more than you need every day, eat fatty, flour or sweet food, your body regards it as an excess of energy and suggests that you plan to stock up before the hungry season. In this regard, all unused calories are stored in fat cells. In the event of a shortage of food, the body goes to their consumption.

However, while the energy is supplied with food enough, the body will not begin to consume fatty tissue. Chlorogenic acid interferes with this process and prevents the extraction of energy from carbohydrates, which causes the body to turn to the consumption of fatty tissue. However, as you understand, in order to stop the process of storing fat, it is necessary to cut down on food, otherwise all that is spent will constantly come back.

Thus, in theory, chlorogenic acid should really help in the fight against excess weight, but it is not worth counting on it alone. Of course, the sites that implement this product will advertise it as a miracle supplement for weight loss without problems and limitations, but in such matters it is worthwhile to be realistic. Excessive, incorrect, too high-calorie nutrition will inevitably lead you to excess weight, and until you give up the wrong habits in the diet, you can not get a stable normal weight.

Is chlorogenic acid harmful?

Numerous studies, as a rule, are carried out by the producers of dietary supplements based on chlorogenic acid, so the emphasis is everywhere on the positive effect of this component on the body. However, there are also rare studies conducted by disinterested persons.

Australian scientists have decided to experimentally learn how chlorogenic acid affects large doses in the body. To do this, they began to experiment on mice. All individuals were divided into two groups. All animals were supposed to eat food with increased caloric content, which would inevitably lead to weight gain. The first group received chlorogenic acid as an additive, the second group did not.

The results of the study were very impressive. Under such conditions, the mice from both groups scored the same weight, despite the fact that some took the supplement, while others did not. This proves that the intake of chlorogenic acid in parallel with the excess diet does not give absolutely no results.

Moreover, they revealed the harm of chlorogenic acid. It turned out that the mice from the first group who took the supplement were exposed to metabolic changes that lead to the development of diabetes mellitus. Moreover, they noted a greater accumulation of fat cells inside the liver, which is also unsafe for health.

Thus, the use of chlorogenic acid can have a harmful effect on the body, if not combine the method with diet. Do not forget that on the right diet you can lose weight and without the use of supplements.