Constipation in a newborn - what to do?

The nature of the newborn's chair sometimes gives parents a lot of excitement and worry. Constipation in children is accompanied by anxiety, crying, caused by excessive gas generation. Children who are not yet a year old often suffer from painful constipation, because their digestive system has not yet been fully formed. Noticing the wrong, parents immediately think about how to help a newborn with constipation, because it is known that the body absorbs back toxins that are in the intestine. Before deciding what to do, if a newborn has constipation, you need to find out the reasons that cause it. In addition, the symptoms should be clarified.

Why does constipation occur?

If the baby has not had a bowel movement for two days, then one can state constipation. Normally, a baby up to three months of age swings up to four times a day, at one-year-old age - up to two times. Since the intestine of the newborn is not sufficiently developed, it is not able to fully perform its functions. Food is digested and absorbed not completely, unrealized products and toxins are not completely eliminated. In the intestines, food moves very slowly, and therefore constipation is formed. In fact, a one-day stool delay does not mean that newborns have constipation and should start treatment immediately. If the mother is feeding the baby correctly, then there is no cause for concern, as is the need to seek a remedy for constipation for newborns in the home medicine cabinet.

Most often, the transition to artificial mixtures and the rejection of breastfeeding leads to constipation. In most cases, the mixture is not a mother's whim, but a necessity, so you need to talk with the pediatrician about the possibility of introducing into the baby's ration of fermented milk mixtures. Such a mixture for newborns helps to get rid of constipation and improves digestion. When the child turns five-six months old, you can expand his menu with juices and mixtures with oat broth.

Another cause of constipation may be erupting teeth. At this time, the baby's body experiences a load, so digestion can get a little messy. Infectious diseases, which were treated with antibiotics, can also cause constipation, as the intestinal microflora was destroyed. In such cases, pediatricians recommend the use of bifidumbacterin for newborns with constipation, which is very simple to use. It is enough to dilute the contents of the bottle with warm water and give the baby after feeding.

If the child is malnourished, moves little, incorrectly takes the breast, then this too can provoke constipation.

Helping a newborn with constipation

To prevent the baby from suffering pain in the tummy, the mother breastfeeding should exclude from the diet the constipation that causes constipation in newborns completely (nuts, cheeses of hard varieties, bananas, rice, milk, tea, coffee, cocoa). Good results are given by massage for newborns with constipation, but it must be able to do it correctly, so as not to aggravate the situation. Massaging the stomach should be clockwise, soft movements, which is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the digestive tract.

If these methods do not help, you should consult a pediatrician who will tell you what to give to a newborn with constipation and how long. The most effective drugs are in the form of suppositories, as well as special drinks. So, laxative tea for newborns helps on the first day of use. As a prophylactic it will have to be given a few more days. Moms make a choice in favor of the newborn babies with constipation, which should be given immediately after feeding two or three times a day. If the pediatrician prescribed a candle for constipation for newborns, then strictly follow the instructions and observe the rules of hygiene.

Remember, constipation is a temporary phenomenon. As soon as the baby is introduced, the situation will change.