Classes with Anita Lutsenko

Anita Lutsenko is the "iron lady" of the domestic fitness industry. How many people lost weight under her "whip", and how many still have to experience this bliss - to say this no one can.

Proper weight loss

Classes with Anita Lutsenko always have an extreme nature, because those who are hypocritically slim for a long time do not believe in humanity. However, Anita believes that the work of a coach in such situations is more like a session with a psychologist - everyone needs their own approach, someone, maybe, for weight loss, it will be useful to go to McDonald's and order everything that the soul desires.

But in most cases, Anita Lutsenko's workouts work on the method of the whip. It was the terrible behavior and incontinence in the utterances that created the aura of the iron lady around the name of Lutsenko. Here the trainer of the "broad" masses is justified, because in fact it is not so bad, most people are used to perceiving information through shouting.

As for nutrition, Anita Lutsenko allows herself everything that comes to mind. But you can do this only if you train regularly and intensively. I want candy - you have to fight back 20 times, and then think about whether the spent forces are worth some dubious carbohydrates?


Intensive training with Anita Lutsenko is far from always a many-hour session. Anita says that the most useful thing is a ten-minute training, but every day. Only ten minutes a day - and you will always be slim. Simply to training it is necessary, as to cleaning your teeth, to do it on the machine.

Today we will do fitness training with Demi Moore with Anita Lutsenko. Let this ever-beautiful woman serve as an example for those who lose weight.

  1. Legs - wider than shoulders, hands on the waist, socks apart. We make 50 sit-ups.
  2. We put one leg forward, the back foot on the toe. We go down, touching the back foot of the floor, and climb up. We repeat 25 times.
  3. We take in hand dumbbells, sit on a chair. Lean forward so that the belly lies on the hips. Bending your arms in the elbows, we make traction with our hands. At the top, we connect the shoulder blades and lower hands 25 times.
  4. The starting position is lying on the floor, the arm is the support under the head, the lower leg is half-bent, the upper leg is straight. We make the ascent to the maximum height. We repeat 25 times.
  5. The next exercise from the interval training with Anita Lutsenko will involve the muscles of the inner surface of the thigh. Without changing the position of the body from the previous exercise, just bend the upper leg and straighten the bottom. And it is the lower leg and we make similar ups. We repeat 25 times.
  6. We lay down on the back, dumbbells in straight arms, legs bent. We spread our hands to the sides without touching the floor, we connect them on exhale before the chest. We repeat 25 times.
  7. We pass to the press - hands behind the head, we do lifting by the body on exhalation. We repeat 25 times.