Why do warts appear on the hands?

With the advent of warts on the hands of many women face. But until now, not everyone knows the reasons for their occurrence, and on this occasion there are many myths and conjectures. For example, some people now believe that warts can appear if you touch a toad or frog. Consider why there are warts on the hands and fingers in fact, and how you can get rid of them.

The causes of the appearance of warts on the hands (flat, ordinary)

Warts are skin formations of viral etiology, i.e. the cause of their appearance is infection with viruses. These are human papillomatosis viruses, of which there are several species. Infection can occur as a result of direct contact with the carrier of the infection, through household items, personal hygiene products, etc. The most dangerous in terms of infection is public transport, swimming pools, saunas, baths, manicure rooms, etc. It is easiest to "pick up" the virus if there are any micro-traumas on the skin, even minor damage to the stratum corneum of the epidermis, as well as excessive sweating of the hands and non-observance of hygiene rules.

Penetrating into the human body, the virus does not always lead to the formation of build-ups on the skin, but is activated under certain provoking factors, which include:

Treatment of warts on hands

There are many cases of spontaneous disappearance of warts some time after the appearance. However, one should not hope for a lucky chance and better conduct timely treatment of warts on the hands for the following reasons:

There are many methods of treating warts, both physical and medicamentous. Quite a lot of effective national means to get rid of this problem. Along with local treatment, it is also recommended to take vitamin-mineral complexes, immunomodulators, and sometimes sedatives .