Exercise CrossFit

On the newfangled sports direction crossfit is not so much reliable information. Of course, there are sites dedicated to singing and singing the uniqueness and genius of the crossfit training system, there are sources that deny the crossfit belonging to sports in general, emphasize the harm of exercises of this kind. But, whoever you believe with more willingness, for the time being, there is no reliable medical research about the benefits and disadvantages of doing cross-phyto, and so, without conclusions, only with guesses about this novelty.


The main benefit of a crossfit is obvious - it's not a sport for professional athletes, but a physical load for ordinary people who want to be in shape. Simply put, a crossfit is universal, since it does not have a purposeful training of any particular group of muscles. Bodybuilders have a specialization - they pump up muscles, marathon runners - endurance, and cross-trainers in one workout combine work on the whole body. This - both classes with their own weight, and training with additional equipment: weights, dumbbells, pancakes, vultures.

Crossfit exercises will please fans of diversity - here you will not be forced to swim your kilometers every day. Every day is a new training , fundamentally different from yesterday.

Since crossfit contradicts professional sports, there is also no need for steroids, because nobody drives you for achievements.


In the crossfit there are several standard signals about the danger (they occur very often). Firstly, with such intensive loads without a respite, even having dinner 3-4 hours ago, there is a risk that your lunch will break out. What is much more dangerous is the rupture of the heart fibers - rhabdomyolysis. The broken fiber enters the bloodstream and infects the kidneys. But this is not the worst thing. Worst of all, in the classroom, the "normal" pulse is 200 beats per minute. It is through this that the crossfit for women is advertised, because with such a load, excess weight will be spent only for a couple of classes. However, the danger is that the myocardium does not have time to rest and recover, experiencing a permanent lack of blood supply. There is hypertrophy of the myocardium, that is, at a pulse of over 180 beats / min you kill your heart, deadening it without sufficient blood supply!

Hence it can be concluded that crossfitting is not the safest activity, especially if it is conducted without professional supervision. During training, heart rate control is mandatory! If the rate of heart rate is exceeded, stop the session immediately.


Next, for reference, we give a typical set of exercises in the crossfit.

  1. Squats - 10 times. Hands stretch forward, the buttocks - back, and the trunk - forward.
  2. Front squats with a neck - 10 times. We pick up the neck, bend our arms in the elbows, the neck at the level of the chest. Without changing the position, we perform squats.
  3. Squats with a neck above their heads - 10 times. First of all, you should learn to keep your hands properly without a neck: hands are pulled upward, slightly divorced to the side, your back is straight, your elbows look forward. Now we pick up the bar and raise it. In this position, we perform squats.
  4. We shake shoulders - 10 times. We take in the arms bent at the chest level. Brushes are drawn back, elbows look forward. We lift the neck, hands straighten, as we lift, we stretch our necks forward.
  5. We shake shoulders and spring on legs - 10 times. Hand and neck hold, as in the previous exercise. When the arms are at the chest level, do a short squat, then on a snatch raise hands with the neck above the head.
  6. Lifting the fretboard with jumping out - 10 times. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. When the arms are at the chest level, we make a short squat, and on the snatch we not only raise the bar to the top, but also jump into a wider rack. Then we return to the starting position and continue.
  7. "Deadly" rise - 10 times. Legs on the width of the shoulders, neck in hands, at the level of the hips. We squat, bending the lower back, lowering the hands with the neck to the floor. Lifting and returning hands with a neck to the level of the hips.
  8. Sumo-lifting weights - 10 times. We crouch, bending the lower back, hands on the weight on the floor. Straightening his legs, on a snatch, we lift the weight to the chin.