Smalets - good and bad

Smalz called grease fat of lard. It underlies different traditional dishes of different people. Also, you can fry vegetables, meat, semi-finished products, flour products and much more on the smaltz.

To date, you can buy the smale produced at the factory, but connoisseurs say that with the house it can not be compared. You can store smalets in a cellar or a refrigerator. The main thing is that the storage location should be dry, dark, cool and isolated from the air.

The Benefits of the Foil

In the process of preparation of the smelt, many useful substances with which lard are richly lost. Therefore, comparing the benefits of fat and smaltz will be wrong. After cooking, smalets retain vitamins B4 and E, as well as selenium. Vitamin B4, or choline, affects the exchange of proteins and fats in the body, prevents the appearance of sclerosis and improves the functioning of the heart, promotes liver regeneration with alcoholism and hepatitis.

Vitamin E strengthens the walls of capillaries and vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots, improves blood coagulability and promotes tissue regeneration.

Traditional medicine has also found application to smaltz. They lubricate sick joints, use for colds and eczema.

The harm of smaltza

The caloric content of the smalt is very high, amounts to 902 kcal per 100 g of product. It is very hard to digest. To process the smalets, the body uses glucose, designed to power the brain. As a result, a person can experience a feeling of chronic hunger and not get saturated. Benefits and harm of the smelt depends on the health characteristics of the person who uses it. Therefore, it is not necessary to eat smalets to people who are prone to obesity and who suffer from impaired bile production.