Unloading days for weight loss - options

It's no secret that to correct your own weight it's enough to switch to a healthy diet and increase physical activity, but those who want to speed up this process, use weight-loss days for weight loss, with a variety of options. For those who do not suffer from excess weight , it is also useful from time to time to release your body from excessive stress on the organs of the digestive tract and at the same time purify it.

How to make a fasting day?

First of all, I must say that unloading is not a hunger strike. To strike a serious blow to your health can be, arranging such days on the same water or cabbage leaves. It is absolutely necessary to eat, just the calorie content of such a diet should be much lower than usual, about half. On such days it is not necessary to plan anything important, which would require a significant return of moral and physical strength. The ideal day is a day off, when you do not have to go to work and you can do something pleasant.

Picking for yourself the best options for unloading days, it is worth considering your preferences and body features, but this does not mean that lovers of sweet can eat cakes and sweets all day long. High-carbohydrate food and on ordinary days should be consumed at a minimum, and in such and even more so. Preference is given to proteins, and dairy, and carbohydrates are welcomed with complex, which are rich in cereals and vegetables. Well, of course, useful and effective discharge days for berries and fruits.

Best unloading days

Kefir is simply created for unloading and cleansing the body. Milk is not assimilated at all, and yogurt is deprived of this lack, besides it satisfies hunger well and restores the microflora of the intestine. It is often combined with buckwheat, making cold vegetable soups and cocktails on its basis. Kefir is a natural antibiotic with no side effects, which lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, improves digestion, removes decay products, salts, radionuclides, heavy metals from the body. I must say that in this respect, almost all dairy products are good - fermented baked milk, curdled milk, yogurt, cottage cheese. The last for satiety is comparable with meat. The main thing is that there is pure cottage cheese, not cottage cheese and not use sugar, but you can add dried fruits and berries.

A very good unloading day for cleansing the body can be arranged on apples. The whole day to eat these fruits doctors recommend and with hepatitis A - several times during treatment. Apples can be eaten both fresh and baked in an oven or microwave with honey. In the summer, when the local markets are full of home-made fruits and vegetables, God ordered the unloading for the body to arrange. From tomatoes, courgettes, blueberries, cabbage, bell peppers, onions, carrots and others, you can cook vegetable soups on the water and make salads, just fill them with mayonnaise and other sauces, but with vegetable oil.

All day eating raspberries, strawberries, currants, gooseberries, pears, peaches and others, you can also pamper yourself, and the body with vitamins to saturate, and get rid of excess kilograms. It is a little careful to use plums and apricots, because the laxative effect can exceed expectations. On cereals, you can also perfectly unload, all day eating cereals made from rice, oatmeal, barley, millet, etc. They charge the body with energy, give a sense of satiety, act as a preventative of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, maintain hair and skin in good condition and nails. A mandatory condition for any discharge is the use of a large amount of liquid. It can be either simple pure water, or green or herbal tea, mineral water without gas, compote, mors, etc.