VSD hypotonic type

Vegeto-vascular dystonia (VSD) is a complex of symptoms accompanying a violation of the vegetative system, which is responsible for maintaining internal balance in the body. This is a fairly common pathology that can occur in people of any age. Depending on the level of arterial pressure, there are three types of VSD: mixed, hypertonic and hypotonic type. We will become acquainted in more detail with the causes and signs of the VSD by the hypotonic type, and also consider how to treat this pathology.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism

VSD has many different manifestations, which are observed constantly or paroxysmally (vegetative-vascular crises). In this violation, psychological, neurological, vascular and cardiac disorders are observed. In particular, the most frequently patients with hypotonic type of heart failure are noted and complain about:

Causes of the MVD by hypotonic type

The imbalance in the work of the autonomic nervous system is primarily due to the impact of various factors or "trigger mechanisms" of an already existing disorder. Here are the main of them:

  1. Intoxication of the body . Inflammatory processes, infectious diseases, allergies, etc. lead to the formation of substances that adversely affect the vascular system. This can serve to develop the IRR.
  2. Emotional stress . Frequent stressful situations, which especially in the modern rhythm of life lie in wait for each person, affect both physical and mental health. Depression, nervous overexertion, chronic fatigue, difficulties in social adaptation - all this can eventually lead to VSD.
  3. Changes in the climatic zone . Travel to countries located in other climatic zones is a great stress for the human body. For adaptation (after all, sometimes only changes in temperature can be 30 - 40 ° C), the body needs to spend a lot of resources. Frequent sudden changes in climatic zones inevitably affect health, causing various disruptions.
  4. Hormonal disorders . The impetus to the development of the VSD by the hypotonic type can also be changes in the hormonal background. Especially often this effect is observed during puberty, pregnancy, menopause. Also, the cause can serve as a variety of endocrine diseases.
  5. Genetic predisposition . It is established that if at least one of the parents suffered from the VSD, then the child's risk of developing this pathology is doubled. Most often, the VSD is transmitted through the maternal line.

Treatment of hypothyroidism

This pathology requires an integrated approach. First of all, the cause of the VSD and predisposing factors should be clarified.

Treatment of concomitant diseases is of great importance. Along with medicamental methods, it is necessary to establish the regime of the day (the correct organization of work and rest), to pay attention to rational nutrition, physical activity, carrying out general strengthening measures and tempering. A good effect is phytotherapy, as well as acupuncture, physiotherapy, balneotherapy.

One of the leading in the process of treatment may be a psychological aspect. Methods of psychotherapy (relaxation, direct suggestion, autogenic training, etc.) help to normalize relations with surrounding people, to remove psychological tension. If necessary, antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs are prescribed.