Shea butter for face

All natural oils are extremely useful for the face and body. But shea butter deserves special attention. Its useful properties were evaluated by cosmetologists from around the world. Shea butter for the face is used quite actively, both in its pure form, and in the composition of creams or other means.

How to use shea butter for the face?

The shea tree, from whose fruits the healing oil is extracted, grows in Africa. At room temperature, the oil remains solid, but at the slightest contact with the skin it melts. The secret of the success of the remedy is in a composition rich in various vitamins and microelements.

You can talk about useful properties of shea butter for a long time. The main advantages of it are:

Thanks to the wound healing properties, shea butter can easily be used to treat problem skin of the face. The product is effective for such dermatological diseases as eczema, psoriasis and dermatosis. The oil helps to eliminate allergic rashes and relieves acne . And as practice shows, it is better than most similar drugs suitable for sensitive skin.

Shea butter can easily be used instead of face cream:

  1. It is enough to take a small piece of it and rub it against the skin.
  2. After about half an hour, the oil can be washed off with warm water.

Excellent saves from the weathering lip balm with shea butter. For its preparation:

  1. Just mix half a teaspoon of butter and melted beeswax.
  2. After add as much cocoa and honey.
  3. In conclusion, you can add essential oil of mint or lemon balm.
  4. Keep the balsam in a well-closed jar in the refrigerator.

Softening face cream is made from shea butter with adding banana and liquid honey:

  1. All ingredients are mixed approximately in equal proportions.
  2. On the face of the mask should be kept no more than half an hour.

Damage to shea butter for the face

In general, this substance is considered harmless. But there are also such categories of people who are not recommended for using shea butter. In particular, those who suffer from allergies to oil constituents will have to give up the funds.

It is very undesirable to use an expired product. Shelf life of shea butter is about two years, but with the addition of funds in the composition of cosmetic masks and creams, it is reduced to three months.