Cosmetics for teenagers

Adolescence is the time to teach your daughter or son how to look after your face. After all, it's not a secret that the hormonal changes that occur in a young organism, as a rule, do not reflect best on the condition of the skin, nails and hair. That is why now the child, as never before, needs the competent advice of the mother, and sometimes of the specialized specialist.

Cosmetics for teenage skin

Daily face care procedures should be carried out with the help of special tools designed for the problematic skin of adolescents. Most pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies offer whole lines, whose action is aimed at eliminating typical teenage problems, such as acne and increased greasiness of the glands. Typically, such cosmetics include natural components such as white clay, which stops inflammation and has matting properties, extracts of chamomile, calendula, lemon, tea tree, which have antiseptic and antibacterial effect, reduce the production of sebum, reduce pores and promote the process regeneration.

Choosing caring cosmetics for teenagers, both girls and boys, it is necessary to remember that in order to eliminate existing problems an integrated approach is needed. Therefore, on the dressing table of a teenager must be: gel for washing, scrub or gommage, tonic, moisturizing cream and masks. It is better, if cosmetics will belong to one cosmetic ruler - this will avoid unwanted allergic reactions. Scrub or gommage should be used 1-2 times a week, the same pattern of use and in masks. Moisturizing cream is applied twice a day: morning and evening after washing and cleansing the face with a tonic. If, with proper complex care, the adolescent's skin is not pleasing with its appearance, it is necessary to contact a dermatologist. Perhaps a child will have to undergo a course of hormonal or antibacterial therapy, but more often the treatment is limited to physiotherapy and the use of special ointments.

Decorative cosmetics for teenage girls

Makeup of a young lady often becomes the cause of loud scandals and disagreements in the family. A thick layer of foundation, applied over the inflamed skin, bright lipstick and black arrows on the eyes - not the best solution for a young girl. But if you use makeup from acne for teens, the obstinate beauty agrees, the mother's advice about her makeup, as a rule, is not taken into account. Therefore, it is important for parents to find the right approach to the child and unobtrusively show how beautiful and stylish the makeup can be in a soft soft palette.

In the cosmetic bag of a young lady should be: friable powder, concealer for pinpointing inflammation, a foundation of green color, mascara, make-up remover, transparent lip gloss. For evening make-up, a teenage girl can use a lipstick of coral, coffee, pink color without mother-of-pearl and a shadow of gentle pastel shades.