Sweet tomatoes for the winter - recipe

We are used to the fact that tomatoes can become the basis of only salted winter blanks, in which fruits are immersed in marinade or juice, but in fact tomatoes are perfectly combined with sugar and can be prepared in the form of jam, jelly or sweet and sour marinades. On the recipes for sweet tomatoes for the winter, we decided to stay in this material.

The recipe for sweet tomatoes in jelly for the winter

Among all the options for sweet tomato blanks, this, perhaps, gets the first place for originality. In this recipe, tomatoes are poured with brine, prepared with a small amount of gelatin. As a result, the brine is slightly gelled and becomes dense, while completely penetrating the fruit.



Before preparing tomatoes, pour gelatin with boiling water, based on the proportions specified in the instructions, and leave for half an hour. Cut the tomatoes in half and remove the peduncles from them. Cut the onions with rings of medium thickness, and garlic in half.

After washing the liter jars, pour them with boiling water and lay on the bottom laurel, pepper and onions with garlic. Fill the jars with tomato halves, tightly ramming them.

Water bring to a boil and dilute in it the present gelatin, salt, sugar and vinegar. Pour the marinade contents of the cans. Covering the jars with covers, send them to sterilize, and then roll them. After rolling, tomatoes in a sweet pour for the winter are cooled under a rug and then placed for storage.

Sweet marinated tomatoes for the winter



Fill the cans with washed tomatoes and laurel leaves, well ramming the fruit. Pour the contents of the cans with boiling water to the top, leave for half an hour, and then drain the liquid and use it to prepare the marinade.

Pour salt and sugar into the water, pour the vinegar and re-boil. Pour the contents of the cans with a boiling marinade, cover with lids and leave sterilized, calculating the time based on the volume of jars used. Roll the jars of sweet and sour tomatoes for the winter and refrigerate before storing.

Sweet tomatoes with onions for winter - recipe

For the aroma and variety of taste for tomatoes in cans, you can put onion rings, which are also impregnated with a sweet marinade and will be an excellent addition to tomatoes.



Divide the tomatoes in half or quarters and place them tightly in clean jars with onion rings.

Prepare a simple marinade, diluting in boiling water salt, sugar and vinegar, and also adding pea peppers and laurel leaves. Pour tomatoes and onions in a jar with a hot marinade, cover the jars with covers and leave to sterilize, then roll up.

Sweet Tomatoes in Tomato for Winter

Enough by sweetening tomato juice, you can use it as a sweet marinade for tomatoes, cooked in your own juice. For flavor, it is permissible to add sprigs of dill, garlic or pepper, but we will dwell on the basic recipe.



Blanch the tomatoes, peel and put the fruits in clean jars. Boil the tomato juice, dissolve salt in it with sugar and add the vinegar. Pour the tomatoes in the jar with the juice obtained, cover and leave for sterilization before roll-up.