Fish oil for children

Many experts say about the benefits of taking fish oil. Due to the high content of Omega-3 acids, it has a beneficial effect on many processes in the body, and therefore it is often prescribed to children. However, fish oil should be chosen carefully, since not all of it is equally useful. How to choose the fish oil, whether it is possible to give it to children and how to do it correctly, we will tell in this article.

On the benefits of fish oil for children

Omega-3, saturated with acids, fish oil has a beneficial effect on many processes of a growing organism. It should not be forgotten that, in fact, it is a medicinal product and must be given if the following problems exist:

The presence of omega-3 in fish oil affects the production of serotonin in the human body. Thanks to this, the child improves his state of health, raises his mood, removes aggressiveness and irritability. During the reception of fish oil, the condition of the hair and skin is markedly improved.

Admission of fish oil is an excellent prophylaxis of obesity in children. Acids, which are part of the drug, allow the fat that enters the body to be properly absorbed.

What kind of fish oil to give to children?

When choosing fish oil, parents should first of all be guided by its quality. Only good quality fish carcass can become a reliable source for fat production.

In Soviet times, and now, fish oil, extracted from the liver of cod liver oil, is very common. It is far from always useful, because the liver is an organ that gradually accumulates all toxins. In addition, this fish oil is rich only in vitamins A and D, and not with Omega-3 acids. The use of such fish oil can go on short-term courses.

For children, fish oil is better to take one that is made from carcasses of oceanic fish. Saturation with acids Omega-3 and a low content of vitamins allow the children to take fish oil for a longer period. Do not take fat made from shark meat, for example, katran, because these fish can eat carrion and ensure that this fat will benefit the child - no.

An important role is played by the species in which the child will be given fish oil, since many children do not like it and they are against it.

Fish oil in liquid form is best given to children for up to a year, as they can not yet be swallowed by capsules. Children older are recommended to give fish oil in capsules, since this allows to remove the unpleasant taste of the drug.

How to take fish oil for children?

Fish oil is taken in accordance with the instructions to the drug, since the dosage from the manufacturers may be different. Give capsules or drops necessary during meals, preferably during the reception of the first course of the baby. It is impossible to take fish oil on an empty stomach, since this can cause a prolonged indigestion.

To give fish oil to children follows in the period from autumn to mid-spring two or three courses for one month. Take fish oil for longer than this period should not be.

Before taking fish oil, a consultation with a doctor is mandatory.

Contraindications of fish oil intake

Contraindications for the intake of fish oil by children are the following ailments: