The layout of the bath

If you decide to build a sauna on your countryside site, then the first stage should be its layout. This process consists of two parts. First, the location of the bath is determined on the site, and then the internal layout of the bath is drawn up. Due to this, it is possible to calculate the necessary quantity of building materials and their cost.

The most optimal is the layout of the bath in the area with an open reservoir. If there is no natural pond, then create an artificial pond or install a large wooden barrel with water next to the bath.

It is best to build a bathhouse in the distance from the house and road. Around the bath you can plant a hedge of climbing plants or high bushes, which will hide the fans from steaming from prying eyes.

The layout of a Russian bath with a therma

The classical version of the Russian bath is a rectangular structure, divided into three main parts: a dressing room in which you can change and relax, a washing room and a steam room. In addition, it is possible to provide in the bathhouse the presence of a bathroom, a room for rest, a bar, a billiard room, etc.

One of the main requirements for planning a Russian bath is to observe the correct temperature regime in all rooms. For the steam room, the air temperature should be in the range of 50-55 ° C, in the washing compartment - 40 ° C, and in the waiting room - about 20 ° C. Only under such conditions a visit to the bath does not turn into a cold for you. Such a temperature regime can be supported, except for the use of heaters and heating, and also the correct internal planning of the bath.

The ideal option is to create such a layout bath, when the doors are on perpendicular to each other walls, which completely eliminates the appearance of drafts.

Usually the entrance to the bath is made narrow and low. It looks like this door is not very nice, but this method allows you to save heat in the interior of the bath. In the case when there is a vestibule in the bathhouse, you can not spoil the facade of the bath with a low door, and make such an entrance only between the washing room and the steam room.

Rectangular windows in the bath are located in a horizontal arrangement, that is, their long side should be parallel to the floor. And in the steam room the window can be made at a height of about 70 cm from the floor, and in the washing room it is better to place it at the level of the head of a person of medium height. In this case, and the curtain will not be needed.

If you only have stove heating in the bathhouse, the stove should be installed in such a way that it heats two rooms at a time: a steam room and a washing room.

Shelves in two or three tiers are placed along the deaf walls. Moreover, the lower shelf-stand can be located at a height of 0.2 m, and the top - 0.9 m.

The layout of the bath with a room for rest

Not so long ago, a bath with a room for rest was considered a luxury. Today it is considered a practical and convenient layout. To fully feel the pleasure of visiting the bath, you need not only washing and steam rooms, but also a place where you can relax after a hot bath treatment. A room for rest in a Russian bath is most often arranged in front of a therma. Then here, leaving the steam room, you can relax and relax in a comfortable and pleasant atmosphere.

A real Russian bath is built of dry timber. The internal premises are also trimmed with wood: a washing room and a rest room with a lining of coniferous species, and a steam room with an aspen wagon.

If the budget allows, you can build a chic two-story bathhouse, using the second floor under the rest room, a billiard room or a gym. On the ground floor you can place a washing room, steam room, boiler room, and sometimes even a bathroom or a swimming pool. The staircase to the second floor is better placed in the lobby or rest room (if it is on your first floor). In this case, moisture is not allowed to enter the upper rooms.