Diet "6 cereals"

The "6 Kash" diet gained such frenzied popularity a couple of years ago that it was even awarded the title "Best Diet 2010". This option is simple, inexpensive, and most importantly - organic, because for a long time people mostly lived in villages and ate just porridges. Especially like this diet for those who love this nourishing and tasty dish. Not feeling strong limitations, you will get rid of 3-6 kilograms of weight.

Diet "six cereals"

Diet based on cereals is inherently a complex mono-diet: in each of the days allowed only one product, more precisely - one porridge. So, consider the diet menu on porridges:

  1. Oatmeal day . For the whole day you need to eat 3-4 servings of oatmeal on the water, best of all without sugar. To each ready portion for taste, you can add a little milk. Ideally, salt this dish is not recommended. Between meals is allowed to drink water or tea without sugar.
  2. Buckwheat day . Buckwheat is rich in protein (10 g of protein per 100 g of product), so that day it will be much easier for you to lose weight. It is allowed to eat 3 full portions of cereal, to which you can also add a little milk or stewed carrots. Salt and add sugar is not recommended. In addition, you can drink a couple of glasses of skimmed yogurt.
  3. Rice day . Here everything is not so simple: in ordinary stores, only the rice is often sold, which in our case is strictly prohibited - namely, white. It is important to buy brown or wild black rice and cook from it on the water porridge, which must be eaten in three meals. In addition, you can only use water and tea without sugar.
  4. Lentil day . Pre-soak the lentils in water and cook three full servings of porridge. It should also be eaten in three meals without sugar, but with a small amount of salt. In addition to it, milk, tea, and water are allowed.
  5. Mannish day . Prepare three servings of semolina porridge in water and add the milk and a little salt to the finished product. If you can not imagine such a mess without sweets, add some fructose. During the day you are allowed to drink a glass of any juice and unlimited tea without sugar and water.
  6. Millet day . Millet porridge should be prepared on water with the addition of low-fat milk, but without salt and sugar. In addition to the traditional three servings of porridge, you can drink low-fat milk or water. Tea on this day is undesirable.

There is also an analogue of this popular diet, which is similar in all principles - the "7 porridge" diet. In this case, at the end of the diet, one more day is added, during which you can repeat any variant of the daily menu from those that you have already tried. The "seven cereals" diet will help those who in 6 days received a slightly lower result than we would like.

The diet for weight loss on porridges is so simple and convenient that anyone can afford it. Ready porridge is easy to take to work, to dine with it, it quickly prepares, and most importantly - it gives a lot of energy, and you will not feel hungry and dream about ending this diet.

Diet on porridge and vegetables

There is also a variant of this diet with a more varied menu, which includes vegetarian food.

In this case, any porridge and any vegetables are allowed every day, except potatoes, corn and beans. At night, you are allowed to drink a glass of kefir. This option can be maintained for up to 10-14 days, after which it is recommended to take a break. Consider an approximate menu, which you can take into service:

  1. Breakfast - oatmeal, tea.
  2. The second breakfast is a vegetable salad.
  3. Lunch - buckwheat with vegetables.
  4. Dinner - peppers stuffed with rice.
  5. Before going to bed - kefir 1%.

Kasha can choose any, as well as vegetables. Such a diet will quickly bring your health and weight back to normal.