Kidney nephritis

Under the diagnosis of "jade" in medicine, it is customary to understand kidney disease, in which the glomerular apparatus of the organ itself is affected. In this case, the diffuse form of the disease is distinguished, in which there is complete damage to the glomeruli, and focal, - individual foci of inflammation are fixed. The greatest danger to human health is caused by diffuse nephritis, which can occur both in acute and chronic forms. Consider the disease in more detail and we will dwell in detail on how to treat nephritis of the kidneys, and also call the symptoms of this disorder.

What types of jade exist?

Depending on what part of the kidney excretory apparatus is affected by the disease, the following are distinguished:

This or that type of violation is diagnosed on the basis of an ultrasound scan, because almost all of the listed forms have a similar symptomatology and clinical course.

How does jade appear?

Before talking about the treatment of such a disease, affecting the kidney, like jade, consider its symptoms.

As a rule, the disease begins with a sudden appearance of weakness, a feeling of malaise. In this case, unexplained dry mouth and strong thirst are noted. As the disease develops, patients start complaining that the amount of urine released by them sharply decreases, and at the same time pains appear in the waist. To the enumerated manifestations of nephritis, puffiness is added, which is most noticeable in the face and hands. In the acute form of jade, there is an increase in body temperature, chills, and sweating.

It is worth noting that for the chronic form of the disease is more characteristic of intense sweating at night, icterus of the skin, more frequent urination with pain. This type of disease occurs with alternating phases of exacerbation and remission. As a result of frequent exacerbations, the death of renal glomeruli occurs, which in turn leads to the development of renal failure, in which harmful substances are not eliminated from the body. All this can result in uremia, in which self-poisoning of the organism and death occurs.

How is kidney nephritis treated?

To diagnose and diagnose the symptoms listed above, a general analysis of blood, urine, ultrasound is prescribed.

The main and indispensable condition of the therapeutic process in the acute form of the disorder is bed rest. A special role is assigned to adherence to a diet that, when kidney nephritis, is as follows:

In the future, the diet begins to introduce vegetable protein and carbohydrates, and salt intake is increased to 1-2 grams per day. After 7-14 days from the start of treatment, milk, sour-milk products are added to the food. In this diurnal diet should look like this: 40 g of protein, 70 g of fat, 450 g of carbohydrates and 2-3 g of table salt.

At the same time, drug treatment is carried out, which involves the administration of glucose solution with ascorbic acid. Reserpine is prescribed to lower arterial blood pressure and at the same time increase urination. Dosage depends on the severity of the disorder and the stage of the disease. It is worth noting that the acute stage of the disease is always treated permanently. The basis of the therapeutic process in this case are antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.