Benefits of lemons for the body

Many people habitually use lemon as a seasoning, especially without thinking about its nutritional value. After all, this fruit is primarily popular because of its original taste, which fits well with almost any dishes and drinks, and also because of its fresh fragrance. But the use of lemon for the body is also in a large number of active substances, which are present in it: vitamins, trace elements, cellulose, essential oils, etc. If we talk about what vitamins are contained in the lemon, then, first of all, it is necessary to mention vitamin C. There are also B vitamins, beta-carotene and vitamin PP. Next, it will be appropriate to consider in more detail what benefits can be from the lemon.

Useful properties and harm of lemon

The healing power of lemons does not make them a panacea for all diseases, they can rather serve as a preventive and immune-supporting agent. For example, the use of lemons for the human body, which has an acute respiratory viral infection or influenza, etc., has long been known. They are a powerful antiviral natural drug, and they can also be used as an antibacterial agent. These sour fruits purify the liver and intestines, reduce pressure, disinfect the oral cavity. It is also known that a lemon burns calories, so its freshly squeezed juice with water is recommended to be consumed between meals for those who want to reduce their weight.

But lemons can also have harmful effects. In particular, the fruit itself , and juice from them are not advised to be used by people with peptic ulcer diseases of the gastrointestinal system, people with a tendency to allergies, small children. The acid contained in these fruits also does not have the best effect on the health of the teeth. Do not eat lemons on an empty stomach or absorb them in large quantities.