The baby belches

Quite often young mothers confuse 2 different concepts - belching and regurgitation. The first is characterized by involuntary, sudden release of air directly from the stomach or esophagus, and occurs as a result of contraction of the diaphragm. Quite often it is at this point that the baby belches a little food recently eaten.

The second concept is characterized by a sharp return of food, which literally did not manage to reach the stomach of the crumbs. So, the newborn child, because of various reasons, regurgitates after feeding. At the same time, the crumb does not experience any unpleasant sensations, which is easy to confirm by its good mood.

Why do babies regurgitate?

A small child after feeding constantly belches a small amount of food. This happens with the release of air, which he swallows during meals. This fact is the norm and is due to the physiological features and anatomy of the baby's digestive tract. So, at first the stomach has the form of a sac and occupies a more vertical position than in older children. Therefore, the baby belches during the first 2-3 months of his life, after each feeding.

In addition to the physiological characteristics, so-called natural causes are distinguished, according to which the child often belches:

  1. Excessive serving volume. As a rule, young mothers, being afraid of underfeeding, overfeed their newborn babies. As a result, the excess milk mixture is returned back.
  2. Horizontal position during feeding. Due to the fact that the crumb takes food in a lying position, along with food, he also swallows a large portion of air that leaves after a while with food.
  3. Excess amount of breast milk. In this case, the mother must control the amount of milk the baby has drunk.

How to deal with eructations and constant regurgitation?

Many young mothers, barely beginning to breastfeed , do not understand why the baby regurgitates breast milk, and often do not know what to do if it happens. The main reason for this - the incorrect position of the baby when feeding, which is a fairly common mistake. In order to avoid this, try to make the baby take a horizontal position while eating, and the upper part of the trunk should be slightly raised. An important role is also played by the correct gripping of the chest with a crumb.

Thus, knowing how much a newborn baby belches a month, the mother can not worry about it. If a small child often began to regurgitate, and not only after eating, you need to consult a doctor. Perhaps this phenomenon is only a symptom of a complex disease.