Face cleaning from a cosmetologist

The current market of cosmetology services offers a huge number of options for skin care at different ages. To understand how to choose a suitable method for yourself, it is worth to learn more about what a professional cleansing of a person is from a cosmetologist.

Types of face cleansing from a cosmetologist

Today, the beauty industry offers several types of cleansing:

More details we will focus on the two most common face cleansing - mechanical and ultrasonic.

Mechanical facial cleansing from a cosmetologist

This is one of the oldest methods of cleaning the skin from inflammation and comedones. Such cleaning is recommended for skin prone to increased fat loss. The sebaceous glands work in an "intensified" mode, and such skin is most susceptible to acne, acne, comedones and enlarged pores. Immediately before cleaning, the face is steamed with a mask or vaporizer (evaporator).

The cosmetician's tool for mechanical face cleaning consists of:

The entire instrument is carefully sterilized. Also, the tool is treated with antiseptics during the procedure to reduce the possibility of cross-infection.

At the end of the cleansing, the cosmetologist applies a soothing and narrowing pore mask. After it is removed, it is the turn of the moisturizer. An unpleasant consequence of mechanical facial cleansing in a cosmetologist can be a slight inflammation of the skin at the treatment site, which takes place within 24-48 hours, depending on the sensitivity of the skin. This is due to mechanical microdamages of the skin during the procedure. So the mechanical cleaning of the face from a cosmetologist is better done before the weekend.

Contraindications to such a procedure are minimal:

Ultrasonic cleaning

One of the modern methods of cleansing the face of a cosmetologist is ultrasound cleaning. It uses a special device - an ultrasonic scrubber. Skin before this method of cleaning is not steamed, which reduces the possibility of damage. During the procedure, the cosmetologist, applying a special cream, leads the scrabber nozzle and, under the influence of ultrasound, cleanses the sebaceous ducts and simultaneously exfoliates the cornified layer. During the procedure, all cleansing products are immediately removed by the beautician. After the end of cleansing, an optimally suitable mask for moisturizing and soothing the skin is applied to the face. Consequences of ultrasonic cleaning in a cosmetologist:

It is not advisable to use this kind of cleaning:

Cleaning the face of a beautician in the summer

As a rule, professional cleaning of the face in the summer is not recommended. And ultrasonic is categorically forbidden. This is explained by increased sweating during hot time. In addition, in the summer in the air contains a large amount of the smallest dust that settles on the face, can trigger inflammation "open" after cleansing the skin. Also, a high level of ultraviolet radiation in the summer can cause pigmentation spots . At this time, it is better to confine yourself to the cleansing masks of cosmetic companies or from natural products.