Hydrogen peroxide from acne

Hydrogen peroxide is known to everyone primarily as a disinfectant, which is treated with wounds, cuts and burns. Nevertheless, in addition to achieving therapeutic effect, peroxide is also used for cosmetic purposes: it treats acne, whitens teeth and skin, prepares chemical peels based on it - in general, they are actively used in home cosmetics.

However, this can be unsafe, because peroxide is a strong oxidizer, which, when interacting with tissues, is destroyed, and it is thanks to this effect that the bacteria during the processing of the skin perish. If you use this substance without restrictions, then with its systemic contact with the skin, burns can occur, and it will acquire an unnaturally white color.

Thus, the use of peroxide in cosmetology is possible only if it is a justified measure: for example, if necessary, destroy the bacteria that are involved in the formation of acne.

Application of hydrogen peroxide in cosmetology

For application on the skin in cosmetology 3% hydrogen peroxide is used. Today in the pharmacy you can buy a more concentrated substance - 15% or more, but its use can cause significant harm to tissues.

Before describing cosmetic recipes, it should be noted that even a minimum peroxide concentration threshold of 3% is undesirable to use systematically in pure form. For daily procedures, this substance is diluted in different proportions to avoid burns.

Hydrogen peroxide from black spots

Black dots are caused by clogging with fat and dust. As a rule, they are located in the so-called T-zone: on the forehead, the wings of the nose and the chin. In people with a fat type of skin, black dots also appear on the cheeks.

To get rid of black spots, you need to systematically cleanse the skin with masks, scrubs and peelings, which do not necessarily include hydrogen peroxide. With the help of peroxide in the fight against black dots, one can achieve only a clarifying effect: several times a week after the procedures (masking or scrubbing), lubricate areas with black dots with peroxide diluted with water in a 1: 2 ratio.

Chemical peeling with hydrogen peroxide from black spots

Also in the fight with black dots, you can use peeling based on peroxide. Take 5 tablespoons. hydrogen peroxide and dilute in it 1 tsp. sea ​​salt. After that, wipe the face with a cotton disc moistened in the resulting mixture for 1 minute. After that, the face should be washed with water and apply a moisturizer.

To conduct such peeling is recommended 1 time in 2 weeks, as it consists of aggressive components.

With sensitive skin, peroxide should be diluted with water in a proportion of 1: 3.

Acne Treatment with Hydrogen Peroxide

When an acne occurs, either a point treatment with peroxide in pure form is shown, or a person rubs the peroxide with hydrogen peroxide diluted with water.

Treatment of acne peroxide is carried out every day until their disappearance.

To pinpoint the inflamed areas, take a cotton swab and soak it in peroxide 3%. Then with her, treat clean skin after washing. The procedure is carried out before going to bed, after which you should wash again and then apply a moisturizer. Do not leave any residue of hydrogen peroxide on the skin of the face, as this can lead to a burn.

If multiple eruptions occur on the face, then hydrogen peroxide is processed by the entire face. Before this, the substance is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3. After the treatment, the face is washed warm water and a moisturizer is applied to the skin.

Before using peroxide, you need to consider that it is due to the fact that it has a strong oxidizing effect, whitens the skin.

When pimples are also shown mask with hydrogen peroxide: take 1 tbsp. l. green clay and mix it with hydrogen peroxide in such a quantity that a little bit of liquid will turn out. Then put the mask on your face for 5-7 minutes, and then wash it off with warm water.

Use this mask can not be more than once a week.