How to determine the sex of the child at an early age?

The waiting time for the baby is one of the most joyful and exciting in the life of every woman. Of course, first of all the future mother is worried about the health of the new member of the family, but she will necessarily want to know who she will have: a tiny boy or girl. So the question of how to determine the sex of a child at an early pregnancy is very relevant.

On the methods of determining the sex of the baby in the first months of pregnancy

Find out the sex of your child a few weeks after conception is not as difficult as it seems at first. Consider how to understand the sex of the child already in the early term with a significant degree of certainty:

  1. Chorion biopsy is used for this purpose in medicine for a long time and refers to the most accurate methods, allowing the pregnant woman to immediately decide whether to prepare her blue or pink dowry for the long-awaited baby. Such an operation is carried out starting from 7 weeks, but you should not forget that you are going to a significant risk: invasive intervention can cause various complications in the course of pregnancy and even lead to spontaneous miscarriage. Therefore, to avoid undesirable consequences, a biopsy is not always prescribed, but only on the advice of a doctor.
  2. Ultrasound often seems like a good way out of the situation for moms who are interested in finding out the sex of a long-awaited baby at an early age. However, experts do not advise, with all the seeming safety of such a survey, to do it only for these purposes. In addition, ultrasound will be informative only at 12-13 weeks, and even during this period the probability of error is high enough. Starting from 15 weeks, a qualified ultrasound can already please you with a message who lives in your belly, and the most optimal time for clarifying this puzzle is 20 or more weeks.
  3. The analysis of the mother's blood is one of the newest ways to accurately find out who should be born in your family. It was discovered by British scientists who propose to determine by the blood plasma of a pregnant woman residual amounts of free fetal DNA. According to these data, with almost 100% certainty, the sex of the baby and even its Rh factor are recognized. However, this method is very exotic and expensive.
  4. If you are very concerned about how to determine the sex of the unborn child in the early stages of pregnancy, pay attention to the ratio of the age of the potential father and mother. This technique is not scientifically sound, but scientists have noticed that if the husband is older than his wife, the boy first appears in the family, if the husband is younger than his companion of life, the girl is usually the first child.
  5. With the age of future parents, the theory of blood renewal is also connected . It is believed that in the representatives of the strong half of humanity the process of complete blood replacement in the body occurs every four years, and in women - every three years. Therefore, whose blood will be "newer" at the time of conception, the baby of that sex will be born.
  6. To understand how to determine the sex of a child at an early age is very simple, if we study the intensity of the sexual life of partners. With frequent sex sessions, they are more likely to become parents of a male infant, but after a period of long abstinence, most likely, mom and dad will be pleased with her daughter's birth.
  7. Popular signs are also very popular among those who want to learn how to determine the sex of a child in the early stages of pregnancy. So, if the growing belly of a pregnant woman has a slightly pointed, neat form, it is believed that she will have a son. This is also evidenced by increased hairiness in this period. But if the tummy is round and spreads on the sides so that it is noticeable in the waist even behind, this is a sign of the female fetus.