How to cook a carbonara paste?

Carborane can be called the basic recipe for pasta, which every enthusiastic cook should know. Try this dish, you just will remain his fan. From the described recipes, you will learn how to prepare a real pasta carbonara at home and its not quite traditional variations.

How to prepare a paste of carbonara home with bacon and cream?



The main constituents of carbonara are prepared at the same time - spaghetti and sauce for them with bacon. Slice thin slices, and then in small strips of bacon and finely chop the peeled garlic cloves.

Spaghetti is sent to boiling water and cook until ready.

Meanwhile, fry pieces of bacon in a frying pan, add garlic, wait a minute and remove from heat. Grate finely Parmesan, mix with cream and mash in a bowl with yolks.

Once the carbonara base - spaghetti is cooked, drain all the water, season with a mixture of cheese and yolks and add the ruddy flavored bacon. Stir everything and serve immediately on a warmed dish. Season the treat with generous black pepper.

How to cook a caramel paste with ham and cream?



Stir the spaghetti and fry the slices of ham with garlic. At the end of the frying, add a little chopped greens, wait one or two minutes and set aside.

In a separate container mix the yolks with cream and finely grated Parmesan, add salt and put the mass on the steam bath, stirring constantly not allowing boiling.

Once the spaghetti is ready to drain, add the hot egg-cream sauce, fried ham and stir into the same saucepan.

Pasta carbonara served immediately on a warm plate, adding a dish of herbs and seasoning with pepper.

How tasty to cook a carbonara paste - a vegetarian recipe




Prepare carrots and zucchini, cut into small strips, and pepper and onions in small cubes. In a frying pan, heat olive oil, send vegetables there and stew, cover, stirring (15 minutes).

Now tell you how to prepare sauce for the paste of the carbonara. Whisk eggs in a bowl with yogurt, add finely grated cheese, salt and mix.

Spaghetti is sent to boiling water and cook until ready. Drain the water, place the pasta on a warm plate. At the top, distribute the vegetable filling and serve, sprinkling generously with grated cheese.

Pasta carbonara with mushrooms and bacon - recipe



In a sufficiently large container with salted water, boil the spaghetti.

On a hot frying pan with olive oil, send a small chopped clove of garlic, and after a minute add finely chopped mushrooms and chopped bacon. All this must be fried until the mushroom fluid evaporates and a slight blush. Now pour in the cream and, as soon as they begin to boil, drop the chopped Parmesan. Stir and turn off the fire immediately. Combine the sauce with hot spaghetti and serve, sprinkled generously with parmesan and seasoned with black pepper.