Customs at the wedding

Despite the fact that wedding customs and traditions are different for all peoples, they all have a common goal - to bring happiness and prosperity to the family. A few centuries ago all rituals consisted in the performance of ritual actions having a special sacred meaning. Nowadays, for most people, the customs at the wedding have lost their original meaning, and are more entertaining.

Customs of weddings of different peoples

Like other traditions, customs at the wedding have undergone many changes in almost all nations. The least changes are observed in the culture of peoples living apart, who adhere to the traditions of their ancestors. More often strict observance of rules and following to customs is connected with religious beliefs. The rituals and customs of the Muslim, Gypsy, Armenian weddings have not changed for a long time, precisely because the way of life of these peoples has changed little. Also, the preservation of traditions is observed in settlements located far from cities. This is due to the rhythm and way of life, which in such places practically do not change. But even among peoples who honor their traditions and adhere strictly to established rules, many customs and rituals have significantly changed and become simpler. For example, the rituals and customs at the Ossetian wedding, although impressive with their brilliance and splendor, nevertheless differed sufficiently rigid requirements for both the groom and the bride. The groom had to pay the ransom to the parents, and not a symbolic, but a very impressive amount. The bride after the wedding, in fact, became a slave in the new house, obliged to perform the bulk of the work. But over time, such traditions have been greatly simplified, which is due to changes not only in everyday life, but also in the relationships between people. Similar changes are observed in the Kazakh customs of the wedding, in which many rites have remained to this day, but in a simplified version.

Vintage customs and traditions

But in large cities, especially in technically developed countries, it is almost impossible to meet ancient customs, including wedding ceremonies. But, nevertheless, before celebrating a wedding, it is useful to study the customs of your ancestors. The use of folk rituals can become not only entertainment for guests. Despite prejudices and superstitions, ancient rituals contain the wisdom accumulated by the people for many generations. And if you do not know how to make a wedding unforgettable, you can safely combine modern trends and ancient customs. It is not necessary, of course, to use rituals, the meaning of which is not clear or causes doubts. But it will not be interesting if we confine ourselves to traditional rituals, such as meeting young bread and salt, kidnapping the bride and her ransom.

The ancient traditions of the Slavic peoples, including the rites and customs of the Russian wedding, are rich in interesting rituals, which are not only spectacular, but also have a profound meaning. But in fact, in fact, a wedding is a turning point in the life of every person, and the fate of a young family can depend on how the celebration will take place. For example, in olden times Slavic customs were notable only for creating a family, but also for the happiness of the young. So, during matchmaking, a contract could be concluded, in which various questions relating to family life were stipulated. For example, the parents of the bride could demand that the contract include bans on disrespect for their daughter. In case of violation of the contract, the amount that the guilty party was supposed to pay was stipulated. To date, there is also a marriage contract, but as a rule, in modern contracts only material issues are discussed. The obsolete ritual of matchmaking also had great significance. Before the wedding was arranged, matchmakers were sent to the house of the fancy girl or boy, who were supposed to get the consent of the parents for marriage. Based on their life experience, parents could save children from mistakes, because in the old days there was no divorce, the choice was made only once. Moreover, the custom of matchmaking was full of cheerful and comic ceremonies, which gave solemnity to the wedding itself, and this custom showed respect to parents and the whole family and the bride and groom.

There are many wedding ceremonies and customs with which you can make the holiday fun, beautiful and memorable. After all, this day happens only once in a lifetime, and it should be remembered with a smile and joy, even after many, many years.