Aesthetic education of preschool children

The aesthetic education of preschoolers is a long process, the goal of which is to develop the ability of children to perceive the beauty of the world around them, as well as the development of creative abilities in an embryonic state. It begins almost from birth.

The aesthetic education of still small, in fact, preschool children - the concept is quite broad. It includes the development of attitudes toward peace, life, nature, work and social life in general.

The tasks of aesthetic education

The main task, which is put for aesthetic education, is the formation of the child and the further development of the perception of the world from an aesthetic point of view. Their fulfillment is achieved by developing children's fantasy, ideas, feelings, which directly affect the creative abilities and the process of shaping his taste.

So, even from the first days of his life the kid unwittingly reaches out to the bright, beautiful, without even realizing it. For example, at the sight of a brilliant, beautiful toy, he involuntarily stretches out his hands to them. At this moment, the first interest in his life arises, which is the largest component of aesthetic education.

Subject of education

The subject of this method of upbringing is the process of development in preschool children by means of the art of artistic and aesthetic perception of the world. That is why it is directly connected with moral education. Acquaintance of the kid with beauties of the external world promotes development of feelings and thinking abilities. But this does not mean that the long process of aesthetic education should end with the end of the DOW.

Means of Education

The means of aesthetic education of all preschoolers include the independent, conscious artistic activity of children. It is in the process of this kind of activity that children realize their artistic intentions, which as a result can transform into abilities.

The development of artistic activity directly contributes to stimulating the learning process in class. In addition, it is through artistic activity that aesthetic education is carried out by means of art.

In the process of such education every detail plays an important role: color, sound, form - the child perceives everything beautiful in a combination of lines, colors, colors.

Thus, today much attention is paid to the aesthetic education of children, it is precisely a basis for the harmonious formation of the personality .