Cake "Curly Pinscher" - recipe

The recipe for this cake goes back to the times of the USSR. When it was empty on the shelves, and to get a delicious beautiful cake was a huge success, our mothers and grandmothers clung to such masterpieces of the house. After all, the set of products is basically simple, and if there was not enough, one product was still easier to get than a whole cake. Now the deficit is far behind, the store shelves are bursting with various culinary delights, but, nevertheless, the purchased cake for taste qualities can never compete with the home. Therefore, we will tell you how to bake a cake "Curly Pinscher" at home.

How to cook a cake "Curly Pinscher"?


For the test:

For filling:

For cream:

For glaze:


For the test 2 eggs beat up with a tablespoon of sugar, add sour cream, condensed milk, soda, slaked vinegar. We introduce sifted flour and mix the dough well. It comes out not hard, so you can beat it with a mixer. Then ΒΌ of the dough is put into another container, and the rest is poured with cocoa and mixed again. From a light dough, bake a round cake. It is desirable to take a baking dish to a large diameter, because this will be the basis of our cake. The cork is thin, it's normal, it should be so. Then we bake a brown dough cake. Here you can take absolutely any form, as we will still break the cake later.

Prepare the cream: mix the whipped cream with sour cream and sugar. Should get whipped cream. If you do not get the desired effect, you can add a couple of egg whites and once again shake well.

For filling, dried apricots and prunes are cut into pieces. If they are dry, you can pre-pour them with boiling water. Nuts finely chopped with a knife. Now we mix everything. Also, all the ingredients can be ground in a blender.

We begin to form a cake. On a large dish lay out a white cake, abundantly grease it with cream, lay out a layer of filling. Half of the brown cake is broken into pieces of arbitrary size. Each of them we dip into the cream and spread on the filling, then again put a layer of dried apricots, prunes and nuts. Now lay out the pieces of the second half of the brown cake, just dipping into the cream and giving the cake the shape of a slide. On top again, sprinkle with the filling.

We prepare the glaze: add sugar and cocoa to the milk, stir and stirring, bring to a boil. Add soft butter, let it melt, mix again and turn off the glaze. Fill it with our cake. In this case, the glaze is best cast by a thin trickle, as if drawing a pattern. Due to white cream and black glaze cake is obtained in beautiful divorce. As you can see, the process of making a cake "Curly Pinscher" is not at all complicated, and the product at the output is simply stunning.

Cake "Curly Pinscher" made from gingerbread

If you do not like to bother with baking, this recipe is right for you. There's nothing to bake, the cake will be the basis of the cake.



For cream sour cream whipped with sugar powder. Gingerbread cookies are cut along into 3 pieces. Bananas cut in circles. Take a deep bowl, cover it with a food film and start forming a cake: slice the gingerbread cookies in a cream and put it into a bowl, then lay out a layer of bananas, again gingerbread and bananas, the last layer are gingerbread. We close the top with a film, squeeze a little and send our cake to the fridge for the night, so that the gingerbread is soaked. In the morning we take out the cake and pour glaze, for which we rub chocolate on a grater, mix it with milk and melt it in a water bath.

Note: the "Curly Pinscher" cake can be made with cherries, both fresh and canned, you can add raisins. A cream can be made not only from sour cream with sugar, but with condensed milk. Glaze cake can be simply poured, and you can put a little chilled frost in a confectionery syringe and apply patterns. In general, it is necessary to rely on your imagination.