What is kindness - is there any absolute good?

What is kindness in understanding people is the desire to help, without expecting or demanding a reciprocal thanks. This view of the essence of kindness is not entirely complete, since this very abstract concept can be viewed from different points of view.

What is goodness and kindness?

The concept of "kindness" is directly related to the word "good", although the second has several meanings and can, for example, mean any material objects belonging to a person. Good in the moral plan are actions aimed at the good. Kindness is a quality inherent in a person who does good. To explain to the child what kindness is, one can tell the unselfish deed of a stranger who listed the means to a sick child, about the mercy of people helping a homeless animal.

Kindness - Psychology

In psychology, human kindness is seen among the qualities of a person . It is believed that a small child does not know what kindness is, with the rare exception of his predominant egocentricity. And if the kindness in the baby is not educated, he will have serious problems with socialization. In adults, people's kindness often provokes distrust and doubts about sincerity. In addition, many individuals believe that a good person is weak, and they are often used.

In what way is kindness manifested?

About the inactive person can not be said that he is kind, this quality must necessarily be confirmed by actions. In what is shown and what kindness means:

This list is far from complete, and it is often difficult to understand whether a good deed or not. Ideally, kindness is a combination of an active life position, morality, strength, high moral qualities, as well as perceptions and emotions. In its highest incarnation, kindness is extremely rare, the most common examples of which are saints, devotees, patrons.

What is good and evil?

Good - unselfish help, the desire to make the world better, evil is a conscious infliction of pain, damage. Qualities antagonists - kindness and evil - are present in any person. Even the most noble and beneficent people recognize that the fight against evil motives has to be carried on almost constantly. The Church gives this phenomenon a definition: if a person asks himself whether there is good and evil, he is on the road to realizing the necessity of constant struggle with the dark forces living in everyone.

Completely eradicate the evil that exists in man is unreal because of the duality of his nature. And it is not necessary, probably. Without evil, darkness, cowardice and other negative qualities it is impossible to understand what love and kindness, light, courage are. For this reason, many people come to kindness and kindness only by overcoming a certain path of life , becoming older and wiser, having set new priorities.

Is there any absolute good?

To understand what absolute goodness is in a person's life, one should turn to religion. For example, Christianity. We can say that God is an example of absolute kindness, but he can purposely send illnesses and trials on to man. Their goal is to lead a person to faith. As an example of absolute kindness, one can remember Jesus, who bore only good and forgiveness to people, regardless of the evil inflicted on him.

True and false kindness

The manifestation of kindness is true in modern society is extremely rare. Much more often it is possible to encounter false kindness, when good noble deeds are performed with expectation of reciprocal gratitude or out of fear. Most people believe that if they help the suffering, they will help them at the right time. Someone is afraid to refuse the request of a colleague or leader. Often kindness is done for show - this, as a rule, "sin" politicians and other public figures.

Do people need kindness?

Unfortunately, people appreciate the kindness that is directed at them, but they often avoid themselves doing good deeds, so the question, whether one should become a kind person, arises more often. Yes, a good person can be considered a "weakling", a "sycophant", etc., but the use of kindness can be found. To shelter the homeless puppy, bring the bags to the elderly person, help the disabled, do not pass by, if they offend the weak - all this is not just kindness, it is an invaluable manifestation of the best qualities of the human soul.

Why do you need kindness?

Much more than the needy, the kindness of the soul is important to those who do good deeds. Having done something unselfish and good, a person feels a rise in the emotional level, rises in his own eyes. After some time, he, most likely, will want to experience these feelings again and will consciously seek someone who needs his kindness. Through good deeds, the soul will become better and purer. The main danger in this case - do not be proud.

How to become a kind person?

Developing such qualities as kindness and mercy is easier than it may seem. Kindness does not mean constantly self-sacrifice, which leads to what people are beginning to use, manipulate. You need to discover the source of kindness in your soul, to learn to see those who need help and kindness. That's what kindness is:

  1. To look with a partial glance is the first condition of kindness. Only so you can see someone's hopes, needs and fears.
  2. To give and forget is the second condition of kindness. Remember the good is the one to whom it was sent and, ideally, continue the chain of kindness, helping the next needy.
  3. To distinguish true needs from manipulation is the third condition of kindness. Only by learning to distinguish those who need from consumers, one can avoid disappointment and "burnout" and create true kindness that heals the soul.

Beginning to do good can be small. Where to start to realize what kindness is:

Tips for those who cultivate kindness:

Warnings for those who want to know what kindness is: