Miscanthus - landing and care in the open ground

Miscanthus is a perennial plant whose height can reach up to 2 m. Its roots are very developed and can reach up to 6 m in depth.

Miscanthus - planting and care

Propagation miscanthus is carried out in two ways:

The plant is planted from the end of March to the middle of May, when the earth warms up sufficiently. The place for planting is picked up well-lit and sheltered from the wind. Miscanthus prefers heavy clay or sandy soils.

The plant is characterized by a long vegetation period, its fast growth requires a temperature of + 25 ° C. Therefore it is recommended to plant an adult seedling already. A young flower can not grow stronger until the cold.

For planting, dig a pit that exceeds the size of the root system of the miscanthus, add fertile soil there, place the seedling and water abundantly.

Cultivation of miscanthus

  1. Watering. It is very important to provide timely and sufficient watering of the plant, which is carried out from a hose.
  2. Feeding. In the first year of life, the flower does not fertilize. Beginning in the second year, in mid-May, misanthus is fed with liquid nitrogen fertilizers. It is important to comply with the measure, since an excess of nitrogen can contribute to the lodging of the plant. In the beginning of summer, watering with humates is carried out, and in the second half of summer - fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.
  3. Restriction of the growth of plant roots. To do this, determine the limits of the area in which it should grow, and set the perimeter of pieces of iron to a depth of about 20 cm and a height of at least 10 cm.

Miscanthus wintering

For the winter provide shelter for the plant, as it may suffer from the onset of severe colds. Miscanthus is covered with a tent made of film, and two wooden shields in the form of a hut are built on top.

Having mastered the necessary rules, you will be able to land miscanthus in the open ground and care for it.