Diet for blood type 4

9% of people are the owners of the rarest and youngest blood group - the fourth. It appeared as a result of mixing 2 and 3 groups. There are features of one and the other blood groups: calmness, steadiness, flexibility, stress resistance, ability to concentrate in a difficult situation. But the immunity of such people is not very strong, they are prone to immune infections and anemia.

Representatives of the 4th blood group should give preference to rabbit meat, smoked eggs and mutton. You can eat all kinds of fish, except seafood, dairy and sour-milk products, bean curd, oils, nuts. Croups and beans are not to be fond of, especially if after their use a heaviness in the stomach is felt. Vegetables and fruits (except citrus fruits) are allowed on a diet for 4 blood types in unlimited quantities. Drink recommended herbal teas (except for lime), sometimes you can afford a little beer, red and white wine.

For those who adhere to the 4-blood diet, one should choose recipes, where meat and cereals will not be present in one plate, since their body can react negatively to these products, even if they are carried individually individually. Diet for the 4 blood group is equally good for people, both with positive and negative Rh factor.