What is the use of black cherry fruit?

The fruits of this plant and the juice of them are often used in cooking, but before collecting and harvesting them, let's figure out what is useful for the blackberry and to whom its use will only bring harm.

Useful properties of black-fruit berries and their contraindications

  1. For immunity . The fruits of this plant contain a lot of vitamins , including C, A, E, PP, B1 and B12, so you can strengthen their immunity, improve the conductivity of the fibers of the nervous tissue, make the vessels more elastic, reduce the risk of cholesterol plaques.
  2. For thyroid gland . Also, the fruits have a lot of iodine, so they are advised to use it for those who suffer from a lack of this substance or diseases such as goiter.
  3. For digestion . The presence of tannins and pectins helps to normalize digestive processes, getting rid of heaviness in the stomach, diarrhea, eructations, flatulence - that's what is useful for the blackbody for the human body. Doctors advise eating 1 handful of fresh berries, if you observe the above symptoms and ailments, in their opinion, it is possible so quickly to get rid of unpleasant sensations and eliminate the diseases.

As for contraindications, it is not recommended to eat fruits to people with a high level of iodine in the body, caries and diabetes, because the condition can only worsen.

Useful properties and contraindications of juice chryoplodki

If we talk about the characteristics of the composition of this drink, they consist in the fact that it contains coumarin, iron, manganese, copper and the same iodine. Therefore, the juice perfectly helps to cope with such diseases as anemia, gastritis, diarrhea and even migraine. All the substances listed in the beverage are contained in a fairly large amount, so if you do not want to harm the body, because the surplus of minerals is no less dangerous than their deficiency, you need to know not only what is useful for the cherry fruit, but also how to use it.

Doctors advise to drink no more than 200 ml of squeezes of berries a day, and recommend diluting it with water, otherwise, you can start to suffer from constipation and pain in the stomach. To make a drink, take 200 ml of juice, add about the same amount of water, if desired, you can also sweeten the liquid. This drug is usually drunk half an hour before a meal, or 120 minutes after eating, using it according to this scheme, you not only saturate the body with minerals, but also get rid of eructations and diarrhea.