Decorative rabbit at home, how to properly maintain and care for?

Decorative rabbit at home is often started for the joy of children. But when deciding whether to buy it, you need to be aware that care for it is very different from caring for a cat or dog. Outwardly extremely attractive and lovely, they have their own characteristics and character. It is better to learn about caring for a domestic rabbit in advance in order to be "fully armed".

Types of decorative rabbits

First of all, you need to understand at least about what there are decorative rabbits and which ones are easier to care for and keep. Here are some basic breeds of ornamental rabbits and their description:

  1. Dutch dwarf rabbit. The place where it was taken out is the Netherlands, hence the name. This breed is peculiar in its color. The back of the trunk and hind paws, the ears and part of the muzzle coincide with the color of the eyes. In addition, the hind legs have white socks. The rest of the body is also white. The nature of these lovely crumbs is very affectionate. They love children, they are attached to their owners, they love communication.
  2. Short-haired colored home decorative rabbit. This pet has very tiny sizes, it weighs a maximum of 1 kg, its ears are short - only 5 cm. As for the color, there are several dozens of their varieties. His taurus, though small, very strong. These babies are calm by nature. The only time when they can manifest aggression - the period of puberty. In general, they are very mobile and curious.
  3. Angora decorative rabbit - in home conditions are kept often, because in appearance it is an unusually fluffy lump, which is difficult even to see the muzzle. The fur is long all over the body. In this case, fur can be of two types - long Angora and fur shorter. In any case, care for such hair should be daily and very thorough.
  4. Fox dwarf rabbit. They are also called dwarf foxes. Their wool is also long, covering the body with a uniform cloak. The body is short, the neck is almost invisible. The paws are short, especially the front ones. The weight of this rabbit reaches 1.5 kg.
  5. Decorative Fold rabbit-ram. Differ by hanging ears. Of the remaining species, this is the most popular. Rabbits are the least shy, very quickly get used to a person. Their weight can reach 3 kg. Torso stumpy, paws of medium thickness, short. The head is a bit like a lamb - with a broad forehead and big eyes. The nature of the breed is very calm and friendly.

How to keep a decorative rabbit?

The main rule when buying a decorative rabbit - you have to buy everything you need for him, and only then the pet itself. In this regard, the first question is what is needed for the decorative rabbit:

Cage for decorative home rabbit

It is extremely important to understand in advance how to equip the cage for the future decorative rabbit:

  1. A cage or an enclosure should be spacious, at least 4 times as large as a rabbit, it should contain a drinking bowl, a tray, a house, a feeder. The bottom should not be slippery. If this is a cage, the net bottom needs to be covered with a pallet, since the rabbit's legs are not adapted to the grid. It is undesirable to lay straw and sawdust on the bottom, as they will constantly slide. Better to let it be shavings of deciduous trees, paper.
  2. The nursery and the drinking bowl must be secured to the rods of the cage. For the grain, you can put a heavy ceramic bowl.
  3. Toilet in the form of a tray must be made of heavy material, which the pet can not turn over.
  4. Necessary toys - a wheel, rags, balls, wooden carrots, cardboard tubes, etc.

It is also important where to place the cage with the pet. Rabbits do not tolerate heat and direct sunlight. They do not like drafts and high humidity. Do not put their cage on the windowsill and the battery. Comfort temperature for them is + 18..20 ° С. When you are ventilating the room, it is better to take the cage. If the air conditioner is installed in the same room, it is better to put the cage in the opposite corner. Also you need to keep the rabbit away from the TV.

House for decorative rabbit

The maintenance of ornamental rabbits presupposes the care of their rest and sleep, which nothing will disturb. The rabbit house must be kept as close as possible. You can make it from cardboard, wood, plastic. Remember that the rabbit is growing, so immediately think out the house "for growth". The size of the house must be at least 30 cm in all directions. The opening for the entrance is approximately 15 cm in diameter.

Reproduction of ornamental rabbits

If you plant one rabbit for the soul, the issue of reproduction is irrelevant for you. But if you are planning to breed rabbits for sale, you need to know how to determine the sex of the decorative rabbit and what conditions to provide for the couple to give them a healthy offspring. Buying rabbits from proven breeders, you will initially know their gender. But the situation is different, and no one is immune from mistakes.

In 3-4 month-old rabbits determine the sex is not difficult. The males at this time drop testicles, which are very clearly visible from both sides of the anus. To be sure, you can turn the animal upside down and examine the inguinal area well. Rabbit eggs differ from felines or dogs - they resemble tumors. In the female specimen, instead of the testicles, you will find a gap that is especially visible when stretching the genital area.

So, the floor is defined. What are the next steps? Firstly, the rabbit needs to be planted, since a transplanted rabbit will investigate the situation without being interested in the female. Secondly, after the first pairing, you do not need to immediately set the female back. We must wait another hour for a second act. After a day, the procedure is repeated again. The readiness of the female to reproduce is determined by her behavior - she actively rakes the litter, forming a nest. If she behaves aggressively and clearly avoids mating, it is better to wait a little, trying to reduce them after a while.

Determine that the rabbit is pregnant by its behavior in relation to the male - she drives it in a cage and is against it. Already 2 weeks after mating, the rabbit in the abdomen of the female can be identified by touch - they look like small balls. You need to palpate very carefully. Okrohl occurs approximately 31 days. The light may appear from 4 to 8 rabbits.

Home Decorative Bunny - care

Decorative dwarf rabbit is very fragile and timid. If you have a large dog, its loud barking can provoke a rodent's heart failure. It is undesirable to have a rabbit in a family with a small child. Constant pulling his ears and fur will lead to the fact that the pet wither and fall ill. Learn by yourself and teach all households to correctly take a rabbit in his arms - under the breast between the legs or between the ears, slightly pulling his head back.

How to wash a decorative rabbit?

Decorative rabbit at home cares for his fur coat yourself. Whether it is possible to wash decorative rabbits - it is better to avoid it and to bathe them only in case of an extreme necessity. Wet animals are very afraid of drafts. After bathing, they must be protected from the cold, until the coat is completely dry. Due to the thickness of the wool the drying process is very long. By the way, you can not bathe the whole rabbit, but only the soiled parts. Be that as it may, you can not wet a rabbit's head. For swimming, you need to use a warm water and a special shampoo or baby soap.

Inoculations to decorative rabbits

Even if the decorative rabbit in the apartment lives constantly and does not go out into the street, he must be vaccinated necessarily. The most common diseases of rabbits are transmitted through ordinary mosquitoes or hay, so the appearance of pets on the street for infection is not necessary. Vaccination of rabbits is provided from two diseases - viral haemorrhagic disease and myxomatosis . If you are going to take a rabbit with him on a trip, vaccination against rabies is additionally carried out.

Before every vaccination, the animal must be prevented from helminths. The vaccination schedule for decorative rabbits is as follows:

Diseases of decorative rabbits

As we have already said, a decorative rabbit at home can develop serious diseases if the necessary vaccinations are not made to it. The most common diseases that can affect a decorative rabbit even at home are the following:

  1. Myxomatosis. An infectious virus transmitted through the bite of blood-sucking insects from infected animals, and even through contaminated dishes and food. The disease is fatal. There are 2 forms of the disease - swelling (swelling of the eyes, lips, ears, nose, there are abundant discharge from the nose) and nodular (nodules and seals under the skin are formed). Both these forms of the disease lead to the transient death of the animal.
  2. Viral hemorrhagic disease. Transmitted through direct contact or through vegetables and herbs. You can bring the virus home even on your clothes. The disease is fatal, and clinically it is practically not manifested. Rabbit just makes a few convulsive movements with paws and dies.

Other health problems in a domestic rabbit may be associated with an intestinal disorder (constipation or diarrhea), bloating and flatulence. Sometimes there are cases of diabetes. If the content is incorrect, poddermatitis may develop - wounds and calluses on the paws. Because of wounds, dental problems, or after surgery, abscesses of varying degrees of difficulty may develop.

How can I feed a decorative rabbit?

Inexperienced breeders are wondering about the diet of a decorative rabbit. It needs to be fed 1-2 times a day, since constant access to the food trough often leads to obesity. So, what can I give to decorative rabbits:

What kind of grass can a decorative rabbit?

In summer, the feeding of ornamental rabbits consists mainly of juicy grasses. It:

What can not decorative rabbits?

Small decorative rabbits may suffer from improper food. Such problems can lead to feeding them with nuts, red beets, potatoes, legumes, and cabbage stems from white cabbage. These products lead to digestive disorders, swellings and other troubles. When preparing hay, make sure that you do not get such grass as celandine, dope, bindweed, buttercup, tansy, spurge, wild leek, lividness. Naturally, you can not feed rabbits from the table with pasta, sausage, biscuits, etc.

How many years live decorative rabbits?

On average, the life span of ornamental rabbits is 5-7 years. Some long-livers live to 10-12 years. In many respects it depends on the conditions of the content, breed, nutrition, heredity. To prolong the life of a pet, one must create conditions for mobility. Decorative rabbit at home is much more capricious and gentle compared to ordinary rabbits, so it is important not to spoil the digestive tract from the very beginning, to treat them from colds in time and, if possible, not to let them, try not to injure the crumbs.