Exercises for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

Many people often experience pain in the lumbar region, which can be caused by various reasons, for example, sedentary work, increased physical exertion, improper posture during sleep, etc. In this situation will help exercise against low back pain, which can be performed at home. It is very important to know the correct technique of execution, so as not to aggravate your own condition and get the desired result.

What exercises to do with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine?

First, a few words about the benefits of such training. They help to strengthen the muscles , expand the intervertebral gaps, which allows you to remove the pinched nerves, improve blood circulation and relieve tension, so they are a universal tool in the fight against various diseases of the back.

There are several rules that should be considered when performing exercises to relieve pain in the lower back. All movements should be carried out smoothly and slowly. Of great importance is breathing, so the inspiration is made effort, and on exhalation - the body should relax. It is important to practice regularly and to start training should be done every day, otherwise there will be no result. Each exercise first repeat a maximum of 10 times, and then, focusing on your own state, increase the amount. If during discomfort there were unpleasant sensations , then it is worthwhile to stop and consult a doctor.

Exercises for back pain:

  1. Twisting . Take a horizontal position, with your arms outstretched. Bend the legs at right angles at the knees. The body should remain stationary, but the legs are carried to the left, then to the right, thereby performing twisting. At the end points, delay for a few seconds. It is important, when turning the body, to exhale.
  2. The Cat . This exercise can be performed even with acute pain in the lower back. Arrange on all fours, placing your hands directly under your shoulders. Exhaling, bend your back as much as possible so that it has the shape of an arc. Hold for a couple of seconds in this position, and then, slowly bend. During the exercise, hands and feet are stationary.
  3. The half-bridge . Take a horizontal position, put your hands along the body, and bend your knees. Raise the pelvis upward so that the body forms a straight line. Stay in this position as much as possible without holding your breath. After this, slowly lower the pelvis down.
  4. Superman . Take horizontally position on the abdomen, stretching your arms in front of you. On exhalation, simultaneously raise the legs and upper body, bending in the lower back. Lock the position for a while, but do not hold your breath. Gradually sink to the floor, rest for a while and repeat a few more times.
  5. The Sphinx . This physical exercise with low back pain is used in yoga. The initial position, as in the previous position, only the emphasis should be placed on the forearms, and the elbows must be strictly under the shoulders. During the exercise, the feet and palms should be stationary. The pubic bone should be pressed to the floor to increase blood circulation in the lower back. Stay in this position for 1-3 minutes.
  6. "Picking apples . " Stand up straight with your hands up. Pull up with one hand, as if trying to rip an apple. Bend the knee of the opposite leg and pull up the thigh. Inhaling, try to strain your back muscles. Exhale and relax. Repeat the same in the other direction.
  7. Tilt forward . Stand up straight, legs closed. Lean forward, moving your hands on the floor. It is not necessary to rely on the hands, because they only promote the extension of the back, so make sure that they create one line with the spine. Body weight concentrate on the heels and stay in this position, not forgetting about breathing.